
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Mexico: Summer study abroad program

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Earn language, Art, Keystone, or Internship credit in Mexico this summer:

CGEE in Mexico offers five 3 1/2 week sessions (blocks) focusing on Spanish language and Mexican culture in which students can take one course per session, and take up to five courses throughout the summer. This community-based program includes homestays, a trip to Mexico City, optional weekend excursions, and numerous guest speakers designed to help students learn about history, culture, and contemporary struggles for peace, justice, and human rights.

Spanish language courses at all levels beginning to advanced, as well as specialized Spanish courses in Business Spanish, Spanish for Ministry, and Spanish for Healthcare Professionals can be combined with internships in those fields to create a truly customized summer experience.

The summer is organized into five blocks, you may take anywhere from one to five blocks. Students who wish to take an internship must enroll for at least two blocks:
Block I: May 2-27
Block II: May 23-June 17 (KEY 490 offered only during Block II)
Block III: June 13-July 8
Block IV: July 5-29
Block V: July 25-August 19

Applications are due March 15, 2018

Scholarships are available!

Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants, may apply the summer grant funds to this program if they attend at least two Blocks.

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

4 Days in May Professional Development Opportunities

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The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is offering all of our professional development workshops and discussions over the course of 4 Days in May. Our hope is that engaging sessions, time to share a cup of coffee, and some experiential learning opportunities will provide opportunities for both professional development and community building.

Join us May 8-11 for sessions on the following topics:
Tools to Foster CLEAN Design
Principles of Universal Design for Instruction
Faculty Learning Tech Showcase
Library Research Tools
Retaining Transfer students in STEM
Faculty and Staff Leadership
Food Education
Portfolio Workshop
Connections with Cedar Riverside Neighborhood
Creating and Inclusive Campus Conference (May 10th)
New Framework for Experiential Education at Augsburg
Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation
IRB Changes and Challenges
LGBTQIA+ Inclusion in the Classroom
Teaching and Learning Environmental Sustainability in your Courses

Mark your calendar; A complete itinerary will be available after Spring Break so watch A-mail and the CTL website for updates.

CTL Website

Congratulations – Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning Awards

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Augsburg annually recognizes individuals or groups that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment through awards for teaching, scholarship, or service. Congratulations to the 2018 award recipients!

Dallas Liddle, Department of English
Elizabeth Klages, Department of Political Science Adjunct Professor

Mary Lowe, Department of Religion

Lois Bosch, Department of Social Work

General Announcements

Open Position in Strommen Center for Meaningful Work

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The Strommen Center for Meaningful Work has an open position for a Temporary Career and Internship Specialist. This position is being posted internally and can be accessed through Inside Augsburg under On-Campus Student Jobs. Please contact Morgan Michaelson from Human Resources with any questions.

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for March

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information found at

Thank you for your participation: GCTWF Survey

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The Great Colleges to Work For survey officially closed on March 12th. THANK YOU to all who participated and provided their feedback. We appreciate your engagement and your voice. This year, we exceeded 2016’s all-time high participation rate by one percentage point and reached an outstanding overall survey response of 74%!

Over the summer, we will receive the results of the 2018 survey. Our plan is to share the data with the campus and, where applicable, individual departments and divisions, next fall. As with previous years, the survey results will help us to identify areas where opportunities for improvement exist and to establish plans to support those improvements.

Again, thank you for your participation and sharing your experience at Augsburg!

Now available: SMART Self-Care Kit Fundraiser Orders

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As we are nearing the final month of the Spring Semester, SMART (The Sexual Misconduct Awareness Raising Team) is hear to support students during this stressful time while also fundraising for future events.

Anyone, students, staff, family, and friends may order a self-care kit to send to the person(s) of their choosing. Please complete the Google order form and follow instructions listed for payment. Items available to send in the kit include fuzzy socks, sugar scrubs, slime, hand warmers, lip balm, snacks and more. All items are individually priced ranging from $.50 to $3.

You may place orders through the following Google Form:

If you have any questions, please email SMART at

Event Announcements

Augsburg University 10th Traditional Powwow

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Augsburg University 10th Traditional Powwow will be held Saturday, March 24 here on campus in the Si Melby Gymnasium.

Grand Entries (beginning of a dancing session) will be at 1 PM and 6 PM, however dancing/ceremony will be all day until roughly 9 PM. Honoring for Augsburg American Indian Graduates and recognition of alumni will be at 3:00 PM and Kalpulli KetzalCoatlicue Aztec Group will dance at 5:15 PM.

You are welcome to come, bring you family and friends, purchase some craft items from the array of vendors that will be present, come support our American Indian students here at Augsburg by showing up and learning about our rich culture and traditions at our hosted University Powwow.

NO ADMISSION COSTS – FREE! Find us on facebook and invite your friends!

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!!! Below is the link for people to sign up to volunteer, specifically helping in the concession stand. We are asking that students/people commit to a 2 1/2 hour time slot minimally, if you can do more AWESOME! People who volunteer will get a free t-shirt for their time…and a cool experience!!

Jill Davenport retirement party on March 21

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It is a bittersweet feeling as I announce that Jill Davenport, Manager of Purchasing and Contract Services will retire Friday March 23rd after 8 1/2 years of dedicated service to Augsburg. Jill has been a wonderful Auggie working with great energy and enthusiasm! In 2016, Jill was honored with an Outstanding Staff Award for her fine work and service managing significant contract relationships for the bookstore, dining services and copy services. More recently, she facilitated a new policy to ensure that purchases were made with accessibility in mind, specifically with software purchases. I am especially grateful for Jill’s great work in stewarding the ACTC Purchasing consortium in-house at Augsburg, an important role that allowed us to keep this critical collaboration and formal engagement going forward. With only days to go, please take a moment to send Jill your good wishes for this next chapter of her journey. And, please come to a reception in Jill’s honor scheduled for Wednesday, March 21st at 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. in the Marshall Room of the Christensen Center. (Formal remarks will begin at 2:30 p.m.)

Keeping Track of Auggies

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