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Study abroad this fall at Augsburg’s Mexico Study Center, located in Cuernavaca – the “City of Eternal Springtime”!
With a robust course selection available, Auggies can complete a full semester of LAF’s including: Modern Language 1 & 2 (you can take two language courses in one semester), Natural Sciences w/lab, Recreational Wellness, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Search for Meaning II, Keystone 490 (business majors), Fine Arts, and Humanities! Business courses also available for business majors and minors!
Our Mexico programs are known to Universities nation-wide for their commitment to social justice and engagement with the local community in a meaningful way. Augsburg students will also receive an automatic $1,500 scholarship, making this one of the most affordable semester program options for Auggies.
Applications are open until April 16th for the fall 2018 semester.