
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Final 2 Days of “4 Days” – Schedule and ZOOM Links

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Due to the high number of RSVPs (Thank you, Augsburg) some adjustments to the room assignments had to be made. Please see for a complete list of session descriptions, locations and ZOOM links.

If you didn’t RSVP to a session and still want to come, just show up!

If you can’t join us in person, the following events will be offered through ZOOM

Experiential Education: May 11th, 9–10:15 a.m.
Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation: May 11th, 9–10:15 a.m.
Teaching Sustainability: May 11th, 12:30–3:30 p.m.

General Announcements

Parking headaches getting you down? Check out transit options

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DPS recently noted the various projects happening around campus impacting parking lots and spot availability. If you’re concerned about parking on campus, check out other transportation options available to you.

More information found at:

Remember that our unique, urban location is perfectly situated to provide great access to Metro Transit stations, bus stops, and bicycle/walking trails.

Looking to get advice, need help finding a route, want to check out the commuter locker room? Contact Nicole at

P.S. It’s national Bike to Work Week May 14th-18th; join me and others across campus in biking to work. You might enjoy it so much, it could become your new commute.

Commuter Student Locker Reservations: Summer 2018

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Summer commuter students who are looking to reserve an on-campus locker can do so by sending a reservation request to Campus Activities and Orientation (CAO) using the following link:

Note: Summer 2018 lockers are reserved from Monday, May 7 2018 through Friday, August 17 2018

Event Announcements

Letter of support for Mzenga Wanyama/carpooling information for letter delivery

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Professor Mzenga Wanyama has a meeting with ICE this Thursday, May 10.  The urgent next step in his case is to get our senators to expedite a response from the State Department on his and Mary’s waiver applications. To that end, all faculty and staff are invited to sign a letter urging Senator Klobuchar to take immediate action to demand that the State Department expedite the waiver application for Mzenga Wanyama and Mary Mzenga.

We are excited to say that we already have 79 letters signed. Can you help us get to 100?

Where you can sign the letter:

1. We will be in the atrium of Hagfor’s Center before and after most of the 4 Days in May workshops. Look for us and/or the letters at the table outside of Hagfors 150.

2. Copies of the letter to be signed and a reference sheet with phone numbers that one can call are on the counter in Judi Green’s office. Signed letters can be left in a folder there or can be left directly with Judi. We will pick up the letters at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, 5/11.

You are invited to join us as we hand-deliver these letters to Senator Klobuchar’s office on Friday afternoon. More information on carpooling or joining us at the Senator’s office can be found by following a link at the bottom of this announcement. We’d love to have a big group deliver these – all are welcome.

Information on Mzenga’s case:

Thank you for your continued support of Professor and Mary Wanyama.

Please direct your questions to:
Sarah Degner Riveros,
Kate Reinhardt,

Sign up for carpooling here/meet at Senator’s office

Keeping Track of Auggies

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Furniture for Sale – Downsizing

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For sale:

La-z-boy sofa,love seat and chair in great condition: $300 or best offer.

Contemporary dining room set w/table (plus 2 leaves) and 6 upholstered chairs, solid and in great condition. $300 obo.

Thomasville “Serenity” formal dining room set. Table, 6 upholstered chairs, hutch, and side server all in beautiful condition. $1000 obo.

Vision Fitness treadmill. Top of the line, touch screen controls, safety stop. Excellent condition. $400 obo (includes floor mat).

Set of 3 glass tables – 2 end tables and coffee table. $100 obo. for inquiries and photos.