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Commons (Monday – Friday)
Lunch 11:30-12:30
Breakfast & Dinner Depending on Camps/Conferences
Monday – Friday 7:30-1:30 until 8/31/18
Kafe Kafeega
Graduate Saturday’s 7:30-1:00
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Summer commuter students who are looking to reserve an on-campus locker can do so by sending a reservation request to Campus Activities and Orientation (CAO) using the following link:
Note: Summer 2018 lockers are reserved Monday, May 7, 2018 through Friday, August 17, 2018.
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The Fulbright Student Program fully funds students to study, research, or serve as an English teaching assistant abroad for a year (no teaching experience required!). During their year abroad, Fulbrighters meet, work, live with and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences. The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and in routine tasks, allowing participants to gain an appreciation of others’ viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do things, and the way they think.
Past Augsburg students have been selected for Fulbright Awards to countries such as Czech Republic, South Korea, Ecuador, Malaysia, Peru, Turkey, Taiwan, Kenya, Poland and Germany (and more!), and six Augsburg graduates will be going abroad this upcoming year as Fulbrighters! Augsburg’s focus on cross-cultural engagement and community involvement makes Auggies particularly strong candidates who are well-prepared to make the most of a Fulbright experience.
Competitive applicants will have a GPA of a 3.4 or above. Please contact or stop by Hagfors 101 to set up an appointment in July!
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The mission of the IME Becas is to improve access opportunities for Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in all educational levels, to ultimately lead to the improvement of their academic, professional, socioeconomic mobility.
Award of $2,000 will apply toward the Fall 2018 semester tuition bill. Submit a completed application form by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, August 9th, 2018.
Apply at:
Please pass this along to any students who might be eligible.
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Participants needed for URGO research project on concept associations. $5 compensation for those who take part in the study. Participation will entail taking a computerized test and will take about 20 minutes. If you are interested, please contact Emilie Tomas at to set up a time. Thank you for your help!
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Get out of the office and join Staff Senate in Murphy Square for lunch and discussion. Take some time to engage with staff from other departments in casual conversation.
Wednesday, July 11
12-1 p.m. | Murphy Square
You can use this opportunity to speak specifically with Staff Senate members or just enjoy new company for lunch. Bring your own lunch and we’ll see you in Murphy Square!
Rain location will be Einsteins.
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Are you a “Wizard of Oz” fan? We have keepsakes and memorabilia for sale. Contact Melissa Hensley at or 330-1289.
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2-bedroom duplex for rent beginning September 1st 1511 Adams St. NE Minneapolis MN. This charming and spacious two-bedroom duplex has beautiful original woodwork and exquisite inlaid hardwood floors. The unit has a large entryway, living room, elegant dining room, pocket doors between the living and dining room, generous kitchen and pantry, large storage area in the basement and free laundry. The unit has a secluded patio with a flower garden in the back yard perfect for relaxing evenings outside. Located in heart of NE Arts district, this duplex is two blocks from Indeed Brewery and less than one block from the Casket Arts Building in this sought after trendy neighborhood. We’ve owned this beautiful place for 22 years and was our first home. We’re looking for renters who will appreciate it as much as we do. Rent is 1,200.00 per month (not including heat and utilities) and is available Sept. 1st. If you’re interested, please email Darcey at