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This year’s Paideia Invitational will be held on Friday, July 27, and is an opportunity for community members to learn about Paideia through participation in a seminar. This year, we are excited to be reading Shane Koyczan’s “To This Day” a spoken word poem that has been presented as a Ted Talk and reprinted as a book. We ask that all participants read this short poem in advance of the seminar and complete the Reading Guide. Your completed Reading Guide is your ticket into the seminar circle.
Invitational Schedule
9:15 – 9:30 am Registration and Introductions
9:30 – 11:15 am Welcome and Seminar: “To This Day” by Shane Koyczan
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Lunch in the Commons (on us)
12:45 – 2:00 pm Breakout seminars led by returning participants
To register for this free event, please email Anne Kaufman at to indicate whether you will be able to join us for lunch. The seminar reading and reading guide will be sent with your confirmation. We hope to seminar with you soon.
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The MINN Fellowship program seeks to foster diverse viewpoints at the MINN Summit, provide professional enrichment and networking opportunities, and build long-lasting relationships between underrepresented communities and the Minnesota International NGO Network (MINN).
Our Fellows bring powerful voices to how we talk about international development in Minnesota. The fellowship program is a chance for the MINN community to expand our understanding of the world by learning from those who are bridges between life in Minnesota and the communities where international development work is present.
MINN IDEA Fellows will receive the following benefits:
* Attend three workshops that will depend on Fellows’ interest areas
* Receive free admission to the 2018 MINN IDEA Summit on September 28, 2018
* Attend Welcome Reception on September 12 hosted at the McKnight Foundation that includes networking with MINN leadership, volunteers, sponsors, and influencers in the Minnesota international development community.
For more information, please visit the MINN website (
Please direct any questions to
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Student Researchers present their projects; free and open to public.
12:30: STEM Fields – Hagfors Center 106
Cohl Dorsey and Jackson Nelson
Artificial Civ: Deep Learning Strategies for Multiplayer Turn-Based
Mohamed Omar
Interpolating Historical Photos with Neural Networks
12:30: STEM Fields– Hagfors Center 151
Aaron Khaimraj
Antioxidant Effects on Daphnia Magna Exposed to Manganese
Eric Perez
Daphnia Magna: Hedgehog Gene Expression throughout Embryonic
Shannon Dale
The Effect of Light Intensity on Daphnia Eye Size
1:45: STEM Fields – Hagfors Center 106
Kayla Cross
Effects of Diet on Sea Urchin Larval Development
Todd Fairbanks, Laura Kundel, and Eric Eldred
The Impact of Aging on Redox Balance in Skeletal Muscles
1:45 STEM Fields – Hagfors Center 151
Brittany Stokes
Artemia Hedgehog Gene Expression: When and Where
Laura Fricke
Artemia Franciscana Hedgehod Gene Expression Throughout
Jamila Mohammed
RNA Interference of the Artemia franciscana Hedgehog Gene
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Summer commuter students who are looking to reserve an on-campus locker can do so by sending a reservation request to Campus Activities and Orientation (CAO) using the following link:
Note: Summer 2018 lockers are reserved Monday, May 7, 2018 through Friday, August 17, 2018.
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The MINN Fellowship program seeks to foster diverse viewpoints at the MINN Summit, provide professional enrichment and networking opportunities, and build long-lasting relationships between underrepresented communities and the Minnesota International NGO Network (MINN).
Each year the MINN Fellows bring powerful voices to the international development conversation in Minnesota, and the fellowship program provides a chance for the MINN community to expand the understanding of the world by learning from those who are bridges between life in Minnesota and the communities where international development work is present.
As a Fellow you will network with MINN leadership, volunteers, sponsors, and influencers in the Minnesota international development community and receive the following benefits (and more):
* Attend three workshops that will depend on Fellows’ interest areas
* Receive free admission to the 2018 MINN IDEA Summit (Sept 28)
* Attend Welcome Reception hosted by the McKnight Foundation (Sept 12)
For more information, please visit the MINN website (, and please direct any questions directly to Application deadline is currently July 31 with a possibility of extension.
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The MFA in Creative Writing 2018 Summer Residency will begin on Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 29. Please join us in welcoming our group of very talented students and acclaimed writers to campus for this festival of craft talks, workshops, evening readings and more.
This summer’s visiting writers include Katelynn Hibbard, winner of the Howling Bird Press Poetry Award; fiction writer Ted Thompson; creative nonfiction writer Kao Kalia Yang, screenwriter Wenonah Wilms, and playwright Andrew Rosendorf.
In addition, nine graduating MFA students will be giving public readings of their works: Monica Birrenkott, Allyson Dwyer, Michael Ferraro, Gina Musto, Ciara Hall, Roz Perry, Ryan Purdy, Eric Rasmussen and Robby Steltz.
We invite you to join us for the following readings/screenings/discussions and receptions, at which our visiting writers will be available to sign their works. Free and open to the public.
Tuesday, July 24 at 7:00 p.m. in Sateren Auditorium
Film Screening of “Waabooz” with Visiting Screenwriter Wenonah Wilms
Thursday, July 26 at 7:00 p.m. in Sateren Auditorium
Visiting Fiction Writer Ted Thompson
Friday, July 27 at 5:00 p.m. in Hagfors 150
Celebration of Heid Erdrich’s anthology NEW POETS OF NATIVE NATIONS with Graywolf Press
Friday, July 27 at 7:30 p.m. in Sateren Auditorium
Thesis Reading from Graduating Writers
Eric Rasmussen, Fiction
Allyson Dwyer, Playwriting
Ryan L. Purdy, Fiction
Rosalind Mariah Perry, Poetry
Saturday, July 28 at 3:30 p.m. in Hagfors 150
Panel: INAPPROPRIATE: A Talk About Cultural Appropriation with Sun Yung Shin, Rhiana Yazzie, and A. Rafael Johnson, moderated by Heid E. Erdrich
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Howling Bird Press poet KateLynn Hibbard is one of the headliners for this year’s Twin Cities Book Festival on October 13. Rain Taxi Review of Books has announced the line-up, which also includes authors Steve Almond, Dessa, and Geoff Dyer.
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We’re remodeling our basement and the regulation-sized pool table (with a top for ping pong) and bar stools have to go. All Auggie discounts apply! If interested, contact Tim Pippert.