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Please join me in congratulating David Hamilton, CGEE’s Director of Operations and Global Inclusion Initiatives, who will be leaving Augsburg on August 3 to become the executive director of the Cedar Cultural Center. This is an exciting opportunity for David, one that will use his wide-ranging skills in organizing, strategic planning, and financial management. It is also an exciting opportunity for the Cedar Cultural Center, for David comes with an extraordinary talent for building teams and articulating mission.
We are very happy for David as a colleague and a friend, but we will miss him greatly. He has helped to lead CGEE through numerous transitions, spearheaded innovation, and been a constant source of wisdom and institutional memory. He has also been key in advancing the diversity and inclusion commitments that define CGEE’s values.
A transition plan is taking shape and will be shared with CGEE stakeholders soon. I am consulting with CGEE staff and management team members to ensure that the support David has provided will continue and to assess new possibilities for organizational growth.
-Pat Mulvihill