Staff Appreciation Event – Tomorrow

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Each year, Augsburg University’s Staff Senate hosts a special event where staff are recognized for years of service, completion of the Diversity and Inclusion certificate program, and outstanding contributions to the campus community. The event includes refreshments and light hors d’oeuvres as well as a “candy bar.”

2019 Staff Appreciation Program
Thursday, March 7
3–4:30 p.m. | Foss Center, Hoversten Chapel
Livestream Link for off campus colleagues:

As part of this event, we are encouraging attendees to bring donations for Campus Cupboard, Augsburg’s student food shelf. Campus Cupboard is currently looking for donations of the following items:

Food donations: Microwaveable meals, healthy snack foods, trail mix, granola bars, peanut butter and other nut butters, canned beans, canned chicken and tuna, canned fruit, dried fruit, sandwich bread, cereal, ramen, baking supplies (flour, sugar, etc.), pasta sauce

Toiletry donations: Shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, pads and tampons, lotion, sunscreen, nail clippers, etc.

Please consider bringing an item to donate to Campus Cupboard on Thursday, March 7. You can also donate any time by bringing items to the Campus Cupboard, located in Foss.