
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Office cleaning once a week for Sustainability Stewardship

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On February 25, 2019 custodial services adjusted the emptying of private office trash and recycling containers to once a week. This modification of services will allow our cleaning teammates to focus on the more visible parts of the campus.

If your trash/recycling needs to be emptied other than when the cleaning staff is scheduled, you will need to empty them into the hallway trash/recycling containers which will be emptied every day.

Trash/recycling will continue to be removed from all classrooms, laboratories and rest rooms every day.

For more information, click on the link below.

Teaching and Learning

Recognizing and Resisting White Supremacy in the Classroom

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Michael Grewe will host a repeat session of his “Day of Action” workshop. Participants will explore how white supremacy and racism manifest themselves within classroom and co-curricular spaces, including but not limited to the ways we process knowledge, engage with conflict, think about power dynamics, deliver content, and design assignments. Attendees will discuss ways of creating classes, programs, and events that resist white supremacy and embrace other forms of cultural knowledge and understandings.

Wednesday, March 27th | Recognizing and Resisting White Supremacy in the Classroom | 2:00-3:30 pm, Marshall Room

RSVP for “Recognizing and Resisting White Supremacy in the Classroom”

Deliberative Dialogue: The Use of Racial Slurs in the Classroom

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Elaine Eschenbacher and Bob Groven will repeat their MLK, Jr. “Day of Action” session, in which participants will identify the advantages, disadvantages, and considerations for implementation of four potential policies on the use of racial slurs in a college classroom setting. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding the use of racial slurs in an academic environment and the varied perspectives on it.

Monday, April 8th | Deliberative Dialogue: The Use of Racial Slurs in the Classroom | 1:15-2:30 pm, OGC 100

RSVP for “The Use of Racial Slurs in the Classroom”

General Announcements

Do you suffer from chronic neck or back pain?

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Augsburg Wellbeing is excited to invite staff from Health Partner’s Physicians Neck & Back Clinic to go over some of the myths about how to deal with chronic neck and back pain.

Did you know that 80% of Americans struggle with chronic neck or back pain? If you are one of those people, or you just want to learn ways to prevent neck and back pain – join us:

Tuesday, April 9th
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Christensen Center — Marshall Room

NOTE: This will be an inter-active session where they will teach us simple exercises that we can do at home or work to improve our spinal fitness!

Reminder: TIAA Financial Consultants on Campus – Next Week

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Take advantage of this on-campus opportunity to discuss your personal financial situation with an experienced TIAA Financial Consultant on a confidential basis. They are available to discuss how to help you pursue your financial goals, where ever you might be in your retirement planning.

Available dates and times:

Tuesday, March 26 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

Wednesday, March 27 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

Thursday, March 28 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

You can use the link below to sign up or call 800-732-8353, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET).

Space is limited, so please register soon!

For questions, please contact Nicole at

Schedule your appointment here!

LEAD Fellow Application Open for Fall 2019

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LEAD Fellows (Leaders for Equity, Action, and Democracy) are undergraduates who do public work projects and paid apprenticeships at community-based organizations. Students bring energy, creativity, and commitment to the communities in which they work, while learning about public issues and developing capacity as agents of change. The program provides LEAD Fellows with a supportive cohort experience, and unique, challenging opportunities to do meaningful paid work while pursuing their education. The LEAD program is supervised by Sabo Center Staff who are committed to walking with students though their work and education experience. Applications for the upcoming fall semester are due April 1st.

Online Application

Calling Departments: Register for the On-Campus Employment Fair

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Does your department hire student employees? If yes, consider registering to host a table at the On-Campus Employment Fair. The fair will be held on Monday, April 1st from 10:00-12:00 in the lobby of the Christensen Center.

The fair is open to all departments that anticipate hiring students this summer or in the future. Feel free to market your department and post your position(s) when you are ready with Human Resources and Hirezon Exchange.


Event Announcements

AWAKE: A Dream from Standing Rock

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Augsburg Native American Film Series and Myron Dewey present Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock on March 29, 2019. The film AWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock captures the story of Native-led defiance that forever changed the fight for clean water, our environment and the future of our planet.” Myron Dewey ( Newe-Numah/ Paiute-Shoshone from the Walker River Paiute Tribe, Agui Diccutta Band and Temoke Shoshone)–filmmaker, professor, historical trauma trainer and journalist–will present the film, which he worked on, and talk about what has happened since the action and to the water protectors and other Indigenous activists.

Location and Time
Augsburg University
Sateren Auditorium, 2200 Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55454
Reception 6:15-6:45
Screening begins at 7:00
Discussion will follow
This event is free to the public
For parking permits contact M. Elise Marubbio at Permits are limited in number.

Native American Film Series

Amundsen Expeditions: Film Screening March 27 – Sateren Auditorium

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On Wednesday, March 27, Norway Hub will alongside Amundsen Sport, Sons of Norway and the Honorary Consulate General of Norway host a privat screening of Amundsen, the newly released film of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen.

Date: Wednesday, March 27
Time: 6:00PM – 9:00PM
Place: Sateren Auditorium, Anderson Music Hall

AMUNDSEN is a dramatized biopic movie about an unknown man from impoverished Norway who became one of the greatest polar explorer the world has ever seen. He was the first to reach the South Pole and the first individual to reach both the North and the South Poles.

There will be a pre-movie reception that includes a raffle to win Amundsen Sport gear. Ann Bancroft will introduce the movie and provide us with descriptions from her own expeditions including her polar experiences.

Contact Bettine Hoff Hermanson with questions: x1378

Eventbrite Registration

Pan-Asian Week

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Get ready for Pan Asian Week! Happening from March 25th to March 29th!

Join AASA for our workshops and the Asian Celebration Show!

TABOO Event (in collaboration with Hmong Women Together) ~ Marshall Room 4 pm to 6 pm
Discover Asia ~ CC Lobby 9 am to 12 pm

”COLORISM AND ASIAN BEAUTY STANDARDS” ~ Hagfors 150B 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

FAWK ( Funny Asian Women Kollective) Clapback workshop. (In collaboration with the Augsburg Women’s Resource Center) ~ Student Lounge 3 pm to 6 pm

“FUSION OF US: The blending of cultures, beads and your true identity ” (in collaboration with QIPOC) ~ East Commons 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Asian Celebration Show! ~ Foss Chapel 6 pm to 9 pm

Hope to see you all there!

Keeping Track of Auggies

No Postings


Gen Ed Revisions- Q&A Sessions

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The General Education Team will be offering Q&A sessions regarding the Revised Gen Ed Proposal. You are welcome to attend one or all of the following:

Tuesday, March 26th: 3:45-5:00 in the Marshall Room
Monday, April 1st: 9:30-10:45 in OGC 100
Wednesday, April 3rd: 3:15-4:30 in HC 150A
Monday, April 8th: 9:30-10:45 in the Marshall Room

In addition to the in-person sessions, you can ask questions and/or submit your comments via the online form linked below. If you provide an email address, you will receive a response to your question(s) from a member of the Gen Ed Team as quickly as time allows. Questions given without a contact will be posted with follow-up as we move forward. Comments and questions will be shared with the Augsburg community via Q&A sessions, faculty meetings, and other communications. For reference this link will take you to the Google Folder containing information on the Gen Ed Revisions:

Questions/Comments Regarding the Revised General Education Proposal

“Passage” (A Staged Reading) is Seeking Actors and a Director

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My name is Halle Chambers. For a little over a year now, I have been writing a historical fiction play called “Passage” about Swedish immigration to Minnesota in the late nineteenth century. This semester, I will be presenting a staged reading of my play for theatrical honors. I am currently looking for anyone who might be interested in being a part of the project.

In “Passage,” we follow a small Swedish family from beginning to end of their journey to America. The story mostly centers on the son, Björn, who acts as the main narrator, chronicling the family’s journey in a journal. Many characters are double-cast for effect:

BJÖRN: Son. Early teens. Main Narrator. Also KIM
JACOB: Father.
CAROLINA: Daughter. 6-8 years old
KRISTINA: LYDIA’s younger sister. Left Sweden in earlier wave. Lives in Minnesota . Family’s connection in America. Also EMMA
LARS: Good Samaritan. Also DOCTOR/DRAGON
KIM: BJÖRN’s great-grandson. Also BJÖRN
EMMA: KIM’s older cousin and BJÖRN’s great-granddaughter. Also KRISTINA.
SOLVEIG: KIM and EMMA’s grandmother, and BJÖRN’s granddaughter. Also LYDIA
TEACHER: Strict authoritarian educator. Historically, likely male. Also NÄCKEN
NÄCKEN: “male water spirits who played enchanted songs on the violin, luring women and children to drown.’” Also TEACHER
DOCTOR: Helps family in emergency. Also LARS/DRAGON
VOICE: offstage voice. Also reads stage directions
DRAGON: Figure of CAROLINA’s imagination. Also LARS/DOCTOR

Currently, I’m looking for people to who might be interested, but rehearsals start the week after Spring Break, so I will need firm commitment ASAP. This will be a staged reading, and will have less time commitment than a full play. I’m especially interested in anyone who might want to play BJÖRN/KIM, as well as anyone who could direct the project, as my main focus will be on playwriting. If you are interest, my email is