Michael Grewe Will Host a Repeat of his “Day of Action” Workshop

submitted by maherk@augsburg.edu

Wednesday, March 27th | Recognizing and Resisting White Supremacy in the Classroom | 2:00-3:30 pm, Marshall Room

Participants will explore how white supremacy and racism manifest themselves within classroom and co-curricular spaces, including but not limited to the ways we process knowledge, engage with conflict, think about power dynamics, deliver content, and design assignments. Attendees will discuss ways of creating classes, programs, and events that resist white supremacy and embrace other forms of cultural knowledge and understandings.

Elaine Eschenbacher and Bob Groven will also be repeating their “Day of Action” session on “The Use of Racial Slurs in the Classroom”. That will take place on April 8th. Look for more details on this and other CTL events in the page linked below.