Pan Asian Week

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The Augsburg Asian Student Association is hosting their annual Pan Asian Week from Monday, March 25th to Friday, March 29th. This week is dedicated to celebrating and honoring the Pan Asian community. On every day of the week, there will be an event or workshop related to issues in the Asian community. The end of the week concludes with the Asian Celebration Show which features many amazing talents, performers and skits. Please join us for this special event, and we all hope to see you there! Please contact for more information or look out for us on Facebook ( and Instagram (

This is the schedule for Pan Asian Week:
Discover Asia
Taboo Event (Collaboration with Hmong Women Together, Marshall Room, 4pm to 6pm)

Colorism & Asian Beauty Standards (Hagfors 150B, 5pm to 6pm)

Clapback Event ( In collaboration with the Augsburg Women’s Resource Center, Featuring guest stars FAWK (Funny Asian Women Kollective), Student Lounge, 3pm to 6pm)

Fusion of Us: The Blending of Culture, Beads, and your True Identity (In collaboration with QIPOC, East Commons, 4:30pm to 6:30pm)

Asian Celebration Show (Foss Building, Hoversten Chapel, 6pm to 9pm, (after party at 10pm to 11pm))

Pan Asian Week