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We invite you to provide input regarding faculty involvement in new student recruitment activities by participating in one or both of the following faculty conversations on recruitment.
Wednesday, April 3, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, Hagfors Center 150A
Thursday, April 4, 8:30 – 10:00 AM, Marshall Room, Christensen Center
We will have coffee available and you are welcome to come for whatever portion of the sessions that your teaching and work schedule accommodates. If you are unable to attend but have ideas to share, feel free to send an email to either one of us by April 5. This feedback will complement information gathered through the faculty survey.
As a reminder, one of the UC Enrollment Committees charges this spring is to strengthen the partnership between admissions/financial aid and faculty to recruit students to meet enrollment goals. The committee is working on an operational briefing that documents selected best practices/assessments for faculty to efficiently contribute to enrollment success. Your input is very valuable to the work of this committee.
Rebekah Dupont and Matt Maruggi
Members of the University Counsel Enrollment Committee