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Diane Pike and Jill Dawe will facilitate a tenure and review portfolio workshop designed to help faculty prepare for non-tenure track reviews, third-year reviews, tenure, and promotion with special focus on ways to demonstrate effective teaching at Augsburg. Presenters will share pragmatic advice about the process and the purpose of review; we will consider, interpretations of the expectations by level of review, ideas and examples for writing a personal statement, mechanics for building a portfolio, organizing materials, and preparing for the interview. Bring your questions and come prepared to participate actively with peers in reflection and discussion about our work as faculty at Augsburg. All faculty are welcome and individuals up for a scheduled review in 2018-19 or 2019-20 are strongly encouraged to attend.
Tuesday, May 14 from 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. in Hagfors 150A.
Register for this and other “3 Days in May” workshops via the link below.