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On Wednesday, May 15 from 12 p.m. – 1 p.m., please join us in the Hagfors Atrium for an opportunity to observe how your colleagues are employing various learning technologies in their courses. We will supply a light snack so you can munch as you stroll the exhibits where faculty will provide brief demos of ways they are using Moodle and other learning technologies to enhance their teaching.
Presenters Include:
Tom Morgan-Ensuring reading comprehension with Moodle Quizzing
George Dierberger-CLEAN Design and Departmental Branding
Jenny Hanson-Moodle Design Templates
Lynda Enright-Charting student engagement with Activity completion
Rich Flint-Moodle for Department-wide efficiency
Lyz Wendland-Effective Online Forum discussions
Corey Nelson-Incorporating Instagram and FlipGrid
Christy Mattingly-Intro to Moodle’s new NameCoach
Kaycee Rogers-Course Feedback thru Student Surveys
Ana Ribiero-Guiding student learning with Moodle Lessons
James Vela-McConnell–Online content for a snowy day
Kristin McHale & Kaija Freborg–VoiceThread for Student-created presentations
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