Candidates for Christensen Chair in Relgion and Vocation on campus

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Dear faculty and staff colleagues,

Finalists for the Bernard M. Christensen Distinguished University Chair in Religion and Vocation position will be on campus over the next two weeks, and I invite you to take advantage of the opportunities to meet and hear from each of these candidates. Your participation in the open sessions serves two important purposes: it ensures that we receive broad feedback from the community on each candidate and (just as importantly) a good showing at the open sessions helps build our candidates’ interest in joining our community. We want to share the best of Augsburg in order to recruit the most excellent candidate as well as discern the best candidate for us. Your participation in the process is crucial to both aims.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend as many presentations as possible. Presentations are scheduled, in Oren Gateway Center Room 100, as follows:

Thurs. Feb. 13, 2:15 – 3:15 p.m.
Fri. Feb. 14, 1:15 – 2:15 p.m.
Tues. Feb. 18, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Curriculum vitae will be shared one business day prior to each visit–please watch for a message, which will provide links to the candidate’s CV and to a feedback form. Those who meet the candidates are strongly encouraged to provide feedback. The forms will be available until 5 p.m. of the day following the interview visit. The search committee will review the feedback you share via the online forms.

I extend my gratitude to the search committee! Their excellent, diligent and time-consuming work is a vital part of this discernment process as Augsburg University prepares to welcome its next Bernard M. Christensen Distinguished University Chair in Religion and Vocation.

Sonja Hagander