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Housing Expo 2020: February 10-14, 2020
Housing Expo is the opportunity to decide where and with whom you want to live for the following academic year. Before Expo, students receive a selection number based on the number of credits they have, so the more completed credits you have, the higher your selection number. At Housing Expo, you and your roommates add up your selection numbers and that total number determines what day you can come and choose your housing.
Don’t forget:
1. Bring your student ID
2. Bring a digital or printed copy of the email you will be receiving from Residence Life, which will contain your housing selection number and also indicates your allotted time slot for attending the Housing Expo. This email is sent at the end of January 2020.
3. Complete the online contract. If you have not completed an online contract, your space can not be reserved.
Housing Expo Week Schedule
Before Expo: Starting Dec. 16 Lock It In and Neighborhood properties available
Monday Feb. 10th 1PM – 4PM———————————–Designated Pre-Signers: Staff, Neighborhoods
Tuesday Feb. 11th 1PM – 4PM ———————————-Lock-It-In Confirmation
Wednesday Feb. 12th 1PM – 2:00 PM————————-Single Room Sign Up for Luther Studios, Anderson Suites, Mort 1/1s
Wednesday Feb. 12th 2:30 – 4:00 PM ————————Single Room Sign Up for Mort 2/2s, Luther 4/4s
Thursday Feb. 13th 1PM – 2PM———————————Selection Number totals between 18,000-36,000
Thursday Feb. 13th 2PM – 3PM——————————– Selection Number totals between 10,000-17,999
Thursday Feb. 13th 3PM – 4PM——————————– Selection Number totals between 2,000-9,999
Friday Feb. 14th 1PM – 4PM———————————— Confirmation Day – Come ask any follow up questions