ICD Grant Application Deadline Extended

submitted by maherk@augsburg.edu

Faculty, you have more time to apply for the Instructional Course Design Grant. The new deadline for submissions is this Monday, February 24 at Noon.

About the ICD Grant:
-Designed to provide an opportunity for faculty to spend a significant amount of time on course design.
-The stipend amount is $2,000.

The 2020 ICD grants will prioritize course development which advances:
-The University mission of intentional commitment to diversity and creating more inclusive classroom experiences for students.
-Active and experiential learning opportunities.
-Interdisciplinary and problem-based modes of inquiry.

Proposals that clearly demonstrate the University’s mission of intentional commitment to diversity and creating inclusive classroom experiences for students may be eligible for an additional $500 ($2,500 total).

Find examples and the application form in the link below.

CTL Grants