Sustainability-related grants – Deadline February 26

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Looking for funding for sustainability-related course development, conference travel, research, internships, or other ideas? The College Sustainability grant we received is in its last year of funding, and the grant team is requesting all proposals for funding be made by February 26 in order to prioritize spending for the spring and summer. Remember that we think about sustainability broadly – environmental, economic, social, and personal wellness – on our campus, in our neighboring community, and among our institutional partners. It includes stewarding a culture of sustainability alongside of our most precious resources – Air, Land, Water, Built Environment, People, Food, and Energy.

Funding is available for:
Conference Travel: up to $750 faculty/$600 students
Course Development: $1,500
Faculty Research: $4,000
Student Research with Faculty Mentor: student stipend – $4,000; faculty stipend – $1,000
Off-Campus Internship with Community Partner – up to $4,200
Other: Flexible – depends on project needs and available funding

The proposals are selected for funding based on the following criteria:
-Relevance to the grant objectives
-Significance and potential for long-term impact on campus sustainability culture
-Interdisciplinarity, multifunctionality

Learn more and apply!