Augsburg TRIO McNair Scholars to Present Research

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This Thursday, July 23, from 9:00am to 1:00pm, Augsburg McNair Scholars will present their summer research projects. All are welcome to attend!

This is a virtual event, use the following link to join:

9:00 – 10:10 Introductions (NSMSCS):
Falak Tawakalna: Incorporating R-language and data science in the Chemistry curriculum (Dr. Vivian Feng)
Nichelle Camden: Designing Fluorescently-Labeled Myosin Constructs (Dr. Ben Binder)
Anahi Cantoran: Active learning vs. Traditional lecturing: Assessing student learning gains in small introductory biology classes at Augsburg University (Dr. Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright)
Q & A / Evaluations

10:10 – 10:20 BREAK

10:20 – 11:30 Introductions (SSHA):
Joseph Gaskill: Decolonizing Our Syllabi: An Analysis of Contemporary & Introductory Anthropology Texts From a Decolonial Perspective (Dr. Matt Sumera)
Nou-Chee Chang: Analyzing Graphic Novels to Teach the Deconstruction of Gender in the Classroom: Anya’s Ghost, The Witch Boy, and Nimona (Dr. Adriane Brown)
Melisa Robles Olivar: Gordita, Brown and Latinx: Instagram Latinx users decolonizing the body with a Decolonized Embodied Pedagogy (Dr. Adriane Brown)
Q & A / Evaluations

11:30 – 11:40 BREAK

11:40 – 12:50 Introductions (SSHA):
Jennifer Medina: A Comparative Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Homelessness During the 2020 Pandemic: A Global Perspective (Dr. Diane Pike)
Salma Ahmed: Addiction and Substance Abuse in Muslim American Communities: barriers of shame and mental health stigma in seeking treatment (Dr. Ankita Deka)
Quin Nelson: Understanding Modern Perspectives on Bipolar Disorder Stigma in Minnesota (Dr. Melissa Hensley)
Q & A / Evaluations

We encourage audience participants to stay the full 1 hour and 10 minutes to hear the introduction & complete evaluations.

Each presentation will be 10-15 minutes so we do not want people to pop into a session as time between speakers may vary slightly.

McNair Scholars Program Website