
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Augsburg Mask Policy

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Augsburg’s policy since April is consistent with the statewide executive order issued Wednesday by Governor Walz. The Augsburg policy: All staff, faculty and students must wear face masks while in any common areas while on Augsburg property, based on Minnesota Department of Health guidelines updated in April. Cloth masks are in stock for critical staff and faculty and resident students. Contact Bryan Massich at to receive one.

Face Covering Requirements and Recommendations under Executive Order 20-81

Details on MN Governor Walz’s Face Covering Executive Order

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On Wednesday, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued an executive order requiring face coverings be worn in public indoor spaces, and other situations, in the State of Minnesota. The executive order, which goes into effect tonight at 11:59 p.m., is consistent with Augsburg’s current policy on face coverings.

A link to the full executive order is below. Following are several of the key provisions:
>>Face coverings must be worn in all business and public indoor spaces or when waiting in line outside. This includes higher education.
>>Face coverings must be worn outdoors in situations where physical distancing cannot be maintained.
>>Face coverings must be worn on public transit and in other various shared transportation scenarios.
>>Scenarios where temporary removal of face coverings (e.g., eating, exercising) are noted.
>>Face shields are allowed as alternatives to face coverings in some classroom situations.
>>Businesses should allow alternative face coverings (e.g., face shields) or provide alternative services for those unable to wear a face covering.
>>Face coverings are not required for people alone in an office or cubicle with high walls or alone in a personal vehicle.

Augsburg’s face covering policy requires that all staff, faculty, and students wear face coverings while in any common areas while on Augsburg property. Resident students must wear face coverings while out of their residence hall living spaces. Cloth masks are in stock for critical staff and faculty and resident students. See for information.

MN Governor’s Executive Order Requiring Face Coverings

Teaching and Learning

TODAY is Fellowship Friday

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Fridays | “Fellowship Fridays” | 2 pm – 3 pm, ZOOM

CTL is joining Bridget Robinson-Riegler, Psychology Professor and member of Faculty Senate, to bring you Fellowship Fridays support sessions. All faculty members and teaching staff are invited to gather and share their experiences with teaching, learning, and advising in this strange new world. – we’ll trade ideas, advice, highs, lows, successes, and failures – or maybe we’ll just plain old vent. Most importantly, we will attempt to inoculate ourselves against one of the more insidious side effects of this pandemic – isolation. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, or pour a glass of wine, and Zoom in to support your fellow instructors and work through this challenging time together.

Fellowship Fridays (can only be viewed with any Augsburg address)

Focus on Feedback: July 28 – 30

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Next Tuesday – Thursday, Tech Tuneups & Tips and Practical Pedagogy will be devoted to Feedback. These are all offered at 10 am, and you can find more information and links via the CTL page below.

Tech Tuneups & Tips, Tuesday, July 28: Feedback Part 1: Monitoring Student Progress: If you are used to seeing your students regularly in the f2f classroom, the transition to an online modality can be unsettling. This session focuses on ways the data available to you in Moodle can help ensure that you keep track of your students’ progress. The first 15 minutes will focus on Activity Completion, a user-friendly report that can give you an “at-a-glance” view of students’ engagement. The rest of the hour will focus on other Moodle activities and tools (logs, the attendance activity, the gradebook) that will provide you with feedback on how your students’ are navigating the semester.

Practical Pedagogy, Wednesday, July 29: ‘Wise Feedback’ in the Remote Teaching Environment: In this session we’ll talk about the “Wise feedback” strategy of responding to student work in a way that makes it more likely students — especially at-risk students — will engage with your feedback and be motivated to and confident that they can meet high expectations.

Tech Tuneups & Tips, Thursday, July 30: Feedback Part 2: Keeping Students Apprised of their Progress: Timely feedback is essential in motivating students to continue to engage in an online class. Previous sessions have introduced asynchronous active learning technologies that can provide immediate feedback (e.g., the Moodle lesson, H5P Interactive video, VoiceThread LTI, Moodle quizzes). This session will give you a “student’s perspective” on Moodle grading as well as important strategies for ensuring students’ have an accurate sense of their grades throughout the semester.

Center for Teaching and Learning

Plan Ahead for Study Abroad on Spring Break and Summer 2021

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Check out the short-term study abroad programs coming up for Spring Break 2021 and Summer 2021. Now is a great time to plan ahead! ALL programs fulfill your AUGSBURG EXPERIENCE requirement, as well as other classes:

Roots to Rap: Islam in America – spring break
HIS 195 (Humanities)

Faith, Vocation, and Social Change – spring break
RLN 409 (Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 (Keystone for some majors)
Spanish Language & Mexican Cultures – summer, multiple SPA course available(Modern Language)

Medical Spanish & Clinical Observership – summer, SPA 218 and SPA399


Community, Arts, and Culture in Cuba – Summer

THR 295 (Fine Arts)

Science and Religion in Germany – Summer
REL 205 (Search for Meaning II) and/or CHM 102 (Lab Science) or SCI 490 (Keystone for Science majors)

Sustainability and Food Justice in Italy & the US – Summer
HIS 170 (Humanities) or HIS 440 (elective)

Music Therapy in China – Summer
MUS 374 or 474: Music Therapy Practicum (1 credit)
MUS 511: Music Therapy Practicum (0 credits), or
MUS 582: Transcultural Music Therapy (4 credits), or
MUS 511 and MUS 582 (total 4 credits)

Get more information about these short term programs

Forum Podcast Ep. 40 – The Ubiquity of Masculine Leadership Traits

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In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Team Dynamics co-founders Trina Olson and Alfonso Wenker explore how US-based workplaces reinforce preferences for whiteness and masculinity in talent recruitment, hiring, and promotion.

General Announcements

HR and Payroll Reminders

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Forms Deadline
To ensure timely processing of payroll for the 7/31 pay date, if you have forms to send, please submit all forms to HR by noon on Friday July 24. This includes retirement, direct deposit and tax withholding changes, and stipend payments. Email if you have questions or need help.

Three pay periods in July
Please note: July has three pay periods this year, so the 7/31 pay check for benefits eligible employees may not include some benefits deductions. (Benefits are deducted from the first two pay periods per month.)

Timesheet Deadlines changing to Monday of Pay Weeks
Starting with the 8/14 pay date, please note that all timesheet submissions AND approvals will be moving to Mondays during pay weeks.

Secure Link
To protect your information, forms containing sensitive data such as banking or social security numbers should not be emailed; please contact Human Resources at to receive a secure delivery link for submission.

Thank you so much! -Your HR & Payroll Team

The Importance of Self-Care

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Due to COVID-19 we know many of you have lost your summer opportunity whether that was a job, internship, research, or volunteer experience. We know this loss is difficult and complicated because it may have put you in financial hardship, interrupted progress towards your academic goals, disrupted your career advancement, and just left you with nothing to do this summer. That is a lot.

We encourage you to take some time to focus on self-care. Loss of a job or internship is stressful because of the loss of income and also because of the loss of sense of purpose and progress towards career and academic goals.

The Strommen Career and Internship Center is here to support you no matter the reason you lost a summer opportunity and we encourage you to make an appointment with us on Handshake and check out the COVID-19 job search resources available on our Community Moodle site.

In addition, the Center for Wellness and Counseling’s website has fantastic self-care resources. They even recently added a Self-Care for Activists section. *Please note: These resources are intended to be helpful resources for your healing and self-care. The links are for information only and are not endorsed or recommended by Augsburg CWC or the Strommen Center.*

Self-Care for Activists

Add a Global Course to your Fall Schedule

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Looking for a dynamic and engaging online or hybrid course this fall? Want to hear from people all over the world to deepen your knowledge of international perspectives? If yes, we encourage you to register for an Augsburg CGEE online or hybrid course this fall!

These courses are taught by Augsburg CGEE instructors from Mexico, Central America, and Southern Africa and will also bring in a variety of guest speakers and unique voices from around the globe. Several courses even fulfill LAF graduation requirements. Courses include:

COM 329-X: Intercultural Communication (Fulfills: Augsburg Experience Requirement)
FLM 295/495: Mexican Cultures through Film

HIS 156: The Crisis in Nicaragua: U.S. Destabilization or a Democratic Movement?
HIS 327: Racism and Resistance in Southern Africa and the U.S.
HIS 355: Cultural Conflict and Change in Latin America: The Central American Context
HIS 388: Queer History In Latin America

WST 355: Cultural Conflict and Change in Latin America: The Central American Context
WST 481: Queer History In Latin America
WST 324: Undocumented, Ecofeminist & Queer: Contemporary Latin American Liberation Theologies

POL 310: Citizen Participation in a Globalized Economy
POL 353: Political and Social Change in Namibia

RLN 344: Undocumented, Ecofeminist & Queer: Contemporary Latin American Liberation Theologies

SPA 218: Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
SPA 411: Advanced Conversation & Composition

To access these courses, search in Records and Registration under Fall 2020 term and the departments listed above. Section designations are “X” for Mexico, “G” for Central America (Guatemala & Nicaragua), and “S” for Southern Africa. Register for class per usual!

See fall global courses in Records & Registration

Matching Fund for Donations in Response to the George Floyd Murder

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We have established a fund of $20,000 to match donations from students, faculty and staff to nonprofit organizations in the Twin Cities that are doing important work to combat racism, meet the needs of our neighbors, and help to rebuild communities and businesses. We have chosen four organizations with which Augsburg has important ties and we now are ready to launch the matching fund.

Any gift to one or more of these four organizations from a member of the Augsburg community will be matched dollar for dollar. The four organizations are:

MIGIZI ( MIGIZI was founded in 1977 as Migizi Communications, Inc., with a goal of countering the misrepresentations and inaccuracies about Native people in the media. MIGIZI’s first weekly radio production, The Native American Program, set the stage for First Person Radio and its nationally distributed programming. Today, First Person Productions is a multimedia training effort for Native youth aimed at providing state-of-the-art storytelling skills, enhancing self-esteem and improving academic performance. Additional MIGIZI efforts address youth needs in jobs, culture, leadership and more. MIGIZI’s building was destroyed in the violence that ensued after George Floyd’s murder.

JUXTAPOSITION ARTS ( Juxtaposition Arts develops community by engaging and employing young urban artists in hands-on education initiatives that create pathways to self-sufficiency while actualizing creative power. Black, POCI and other youth are already building the abundant and just future they envision. Help amplify the creativity of young artists in ways that improve our city.

PILLSBURY UNITED COMMUNITIES ( Pillsbury United Communities co-creates enduring change toward a just society. Built with and for the people we serve, our united system of programs, neighborhood centers, and social enterprises empowers individuals and families across the region to own their future on their own terms. The Brian Coyle Center in Cedar-Riverside is one of Pillsbury’s community centers.

NORTHSIDE ACHIEVEMENT ZONE ( The Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) exists to permanently close the achievement gap and end generational poverty in North Minneapolis. Together with our partner organizations, we are walking side by side with low-income families as they put their children on a path to college.

To qualify for matching funds, Augsburg community members should make a gift to one of these organizations between now and the end of July and send a copy of a donation receipt to Cyndi Berg (bergc2@augsburg) in the President’s office. Please note:request for matching funds, in the subject line. After August 1, we will total the gifts to each of the organizations and send matching funds equal to the total donated.

The matching funds are made possible through gifts to the President’s Strategic Fund, which were contributed by alumni and friends of Augsburg this past spring.

This matching fund program is simply one way in which the Augsburg community can take concrete action to live up to our personal and institutional commitments to the values of anti-racism and community building. We believe that Augsburg is called to be a neighbor to the communities that surround our campus.

Event Announcements

URGO Summer Research Presentations

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On Monday, July 27, through Wednesday, July 29, from 10:00am to 2:00pm, Augsburg URGO Researchers from Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Sciences will present their summer research projects. All are welcome to attend!

This is a virtual event; click here to join.

Monday’s Schedule
10:00 – 11:15
Jade Boysen: Sulfide Single Crystal Growth: Research Geared Toward Sustainable Electronics
Kei Heltemes: How a Physicist Repairs a CNC Machine
Kong Yang: Title to be announced
Edwin Panora: Computational tools to study physics swimming microrganism pt 2
Gregory Miller: Visualization and Modeling of Aphid Feeding and Reproduction

11:30 – 1:00 BREAK

1:00 – 2:00
Lanie Lobdell: Exploring the Structure of Myosin
McKenna Ellena: Exploring the structure of Tetrahymena Myosin-13 using molecular dynamics
Selena Lor: Optimizing Simulations for the Structural Study of Tetrahymena Actin
Grace Puchaicela: MYOSIN 8

Tuesday and Wednesday’s schedules will be posted on Amail the day beforehand.

click here to join

URGO Summer Research Presentations (SSHA)

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On Monday, July 27, from 10:00am to 2:30pm, Augsburg URGO Researchers from Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts will present their summer research projects. All are welcome to attend!

This is a virtual event; click the link to join.

Monday’s Schedule
10:00 – 11:00
Jessica Mendoza, “Restorative Justice in MN”
Abigail Eck, “Creating and Supporting Equity and Accessibility in High School Orchestra: Three Teachers’ Perspectives”
Serena Gilman, “Moderators Of Discrimination”

11:00 – 11:30 BREAK

11:30 – 12:30
Norhan Qasem, “Stress, Coping, and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
Alexa Nieder, “LGBTQ Resilience and Recovery”
Cameron Phillip, “Muslims in Minnesota: An American Medina”

12:30 – 1:30 LUNCH BREAK

1:30 – 2:30
Danny Reinan, “Transgender Historiography & The Theater”
Ebelin Morales Delgado, “Cultivating Community: How Farmers Markets and The Minneapolis Uprising Created community”
Zoe Barany and Eliaz Wirz, “Whose River? Remapping, Power, Justice, and Sustainability on the Upper Mississippi River”

Keeping Track of Auggies

No Postings
