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On Monday, July 27, through Wednesday, July 29, from 10:00am to 2:00pm, Augsburg URGO Researchers from Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Sciences will present their summer research projects. All are welcome to attend!
This is a virtual event; click here to join.
Monday’s Schedule
10:00 – 11:15
Jade Boysen: Sulfide Single Crystal Growth: Research Geared Toward Sustainable Electronics
Kei Heltemes: How a Physicist Repairs a CNC Machine
Kong Yang: Title to be announced
Edwin Panora: Computational tools to study physics swimming microrganism pt 2
Gregory Miller: Visualization and Modeling of Aphid Feeding and Reproduction
11:30 – 1:00 BREAK
1:00 – 2:00
Lanie Lobdell: Exploring the Structure of Myosin
McKenna Ellena: Exploring the structure of Tetrahymena Myosin-13 using molecular dynamics
Selena Lor: Optimizing Simulations for the Structural Study of Tetrahymena Actin
Grace Puchaicela: MYOSIN 8
Tuesday and Wednesday’s schedules will be posted on Amail the day beforehand.