
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Tomorrow: Forum Webinar – A Roadmap for Creating Impact and Value with ERGs

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When: July 16, 2020 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CST
Level: Intermediate
Track: D&I Strategy
Presenters: Farzana Nayani, Farzana Nayani, Consulting and Training | Lisa Strack, Bank of the West
Cost: Free

Are you looking for direction as to how to guide your resource group’s programming, focus, and involvement during these current times? This session will focus on how to chart the course forward for your resource groups, starting with a self-assessment, understanding key areas for resource groups within companies, and how to demonstrate impact and value for your entire organization.
We will share best practices using various industry examples related to planning for action and accountability, during these current times.

Plan ahead for study abroad on spring break and summer 2021

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Check out the short-term study abroad programs coming up for Spring Break 2021 and Summer 2021. Now is a great time to plan ahead! ALL programs fulfill your AUGSBURG EXPERIENCE requirement, as well as other classes:

Roots to Rap: Islam in America – spring break
HIS 195 (Humanities)

Faith, Vocation, and Social Change – spring break
RLN 409 (Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 (Keystone for some majors)
Spanish Language & Mexican Cultures – summer, multiple SPA course available(Modern Language)

Medical Spanish & Clinical Observership – summer, SPA 218 and SPA399


Community, Arts, and Culture in Cuba – Summer

THR 295 (Fine Arts)

Science and Religion in Germany – Summer
REL 205 (Search for Meaning II) and/or CHM 102 (Lab Science) or SCI 490 (Keystone for Science majors)

Sustainability and Food Justice in Italy & the US – Summer
HIS 170 (Humanities) or HIS 440 (elective)

Music Therapy in China – Summer
MUS 374 or 474: Music Therapy Practicum (1 credit)
MUS 511: Music Therapy Practicum (0 credits), or
MUS 582: Transcultural Music Therapy (4 credits), or
MUS 511 and MUS 582 (total 4 credits)

Get more information about these short term programs

TODAY: Active Learning techniques that support cognitive and social student presence

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By request, this section will focus on the general characteristics of active learning exercises (especially in asynchonrous settings) that can promote self-regulated student learning by facilitating both cognitive and social student presence online.

Wednesdays, through August 19 from 10 am – 11 am: CTL’s Practical Pedagogy Series

Please join CTL Director Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright and guests for the Practical Pedagogy Series every Wednesday from 10-11am. Designed to complement the Tech Tune-Ups and Tips series and Fellowship Fridays, the Practical Pedagogy series will focus on helping you maintain and/or improve your current pedagogical practices using your preferred Emergency Remote Instruction (ERI, aka Augsburg’s “Hybrid”) option: LIve Remote, Blended, or Parallel. All sessions will be recorded and posted on the Augsburg CTL website, and weekly topics will be posted in A-mail. We look forward to seeing you! *These sessions will be recorded.

Practical Pedagogy (Only viewable with Augsburg email address)

Forum Advanced Grading and Online Discussions TOMORROW

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Long-awaited improvements to grading Moodle Forum discussions are here!! The first 15 minutes will demo the new advanced grading features (rubrics and grading guides) in Forums. Keys to moderating effective online discussions will be the topic for the rest of the hour.

Tech Tune-ups & Tips every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am.

Come Zoom with the E-learning Team as they offer two 60-minute sessions each week on how to maximize your use of Moodle and learning technologies as you get ready for classes this Fall. Each session will open with 15-minutes of “pertinent tips & best practices” about important Moodle features/resources. The final 45 minutes will provide training on a specific learning experience or tool. *These sessions will be recorded.

Tech Tune-ups & Tips (only viewable with an Augsburg email address)

ICE Rescinds Decision on International Students

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Yesterday, ICE decided to rescind the rules put forward on July 6, 2020, and will abandoned the restrictions on international students holding F-1 visas. This is great news for our international community, not only on campus but for students attending universities all over the United States.

President Paul Pribbenow had signed an amicus brief with the President’s Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration supporting a lawsuit challenging the restrictions, and one of our international students, Jonas Bergmann Poulsen, was interviewed by MSNBC last week (follow link below) on the impact the guidelines would have on him personally and on the international community at large.

The International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) team continues to work with our international students to create successful plans for the fall semester. The blend of course formats Augsburg plans to offer, will advance students toward degrees completions—for those currently in the country AND for those who struggle to return to campus due to border restrictions.

We thank the Augsburg community for all for the support given in the last 9 days!

ICE Rescinds Guidelines – Wall Street Journal

General Announcements

Star Tribune and MN Urban Debate League Sponsor Criminal Justice Reform Essay, Video, and Audio Contest

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The killing of George Floyd and the unrest that followed have created a long-delayed but urgently needed discussion on police brutality, inequities in the criminal justice system and racial injustice more broadly.

The Minnesota Urban Debate League and Star Tribune Opinion believe in the power of young minds and voices. We want the best ideas of students between the ages of 10 and 18 about how our communities can continue the hard work of responding to these crucial challenges.The task is to create an original written essay, video or audio file which describes one or two specific changes our community, state or nation should make to reduce racial inequities and injustices in the criminal justice system.Top submissions as determined by a group of judges from the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota will be published in the Star Tribune and shared with leaders across our state and nation

The submission should be entirely created by students, although others may teach new skills, such as operating a camera, microphone or computer software. Submissions must come from young people between the ages of 10 and 18, using their age as of Dec. 31, 2020. You may also submit a group project with up to six friends (seven people total).
Written essays must be no more than 700 words, typed, double-spaced and in 12-point font. Video and audio submissions should be no longer than two minutes and must be submitted in a file format that can be uploaded to YouTube. Any materials from other people (research, writing, video or audio clips, etc.) must be given credit either in the submission or in an additional text document not more than 50 words long.

How Students Can Enter:

Questions can be sent to To enter, students should fill out the form below and submit your essay, video or audio file by Aug. 16. This is their chance to be passionate, be creative, and use their own personal experiences as evidence to argue for change in our community.

Self-Care for Activists

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Please check out the new webpage on the Center for Wellness & Counseling site, “Self-Care for Activists.” “When you are involved in activism, community organizing, or social justice work, caring for yourself is tough. The emotional demands can quickly drain your energy reserves.” Learn how to take care of yourself so your activism can be sustainable for the long haul.

Self-Care for Activists webpage

Plan ahead for Study Abroad/Away: Virtual appointments open now

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Study Abroad & Away is operating remotely this summer and we have appointments available via Zoom! Our staff and peer advisors are here to support you – and summer is a great time to plan ahead for your study abroad/away adventure!

Choose from semester and short-term programs in the US and internationally in Spring 2021 and beyond. Short-term courses for spring break and summer 2021 will be traveling to Guatemala, New York City, Cuba, Germany, and Italy.

Our advisors are here to help every Auggie – whether you’re just getting started with Study Abroad & Away, or you already have a program chosen. Schedule an appointment here:

You can also send us an email:, or stop by our website, below.

Learn more about Study Abroad and Away

Event Announcements

Forum Presentation – Global Citizenship: Whole World Sensibilities and Responsibilities

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When: July 30, 2020 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Cost: $30 Suggested Donation
Level: Intermediate
Track: Global Diversity
Presenters: Khadija Ali, Global Language Connections | Shawntera M. Hardy, PolicyGrounds Consulting | Mark Ritchie, Global Minnesota

Global citizenship and interconnectivity allows us to experience and impact the world in more expansive ways than ever before. However, with this new international reach, comes responsibility for simultaneously caring for both our local communities and for others on the planet impacted by our actions or decisions. Given these new realities, how do we ensure our practices and solutions meet increasingly complex challenges at the local and planetary levels?

MN Department of Human Services – Virtual Internship/Job Fair

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The MN Department of Human Services has invited Augsburg students to join their virtual career fair. Students will have the opportunity to virtually meet and greet with providers that are currently hiring for a variety of human service careers.

Staff from a variety of agencies across Minnesota that provide services to people with development disabilities and mental health conditions will be offering information and answering questions on:

*current job opportunities
*current internship opportunities
*career paths available to students
*educational & vocational experiences necessary to be hired in various fields
*the importance of gaining work experience while in school

No pre-registration is required. Zoom link can be found on Handshake

Wednesday, July 22 2020, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. CDT

Handshake – Learn More

Connect with Fellow Faculty on Friday

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Fridays | “Fellowship Fridays” | 2 pm – 3 pm, ZOOM

CTL is joining Bridget Robinson-Riegler, Psychology Professor and member of Faculty Senate, to bring you Fellowship Fridays support sessions. All faculty members and teaching staff are invited to gather and share their experiences with teaching, learning, and advising in this strange new world. – we’ll trade ideas, advice, highs, lows, successes, and failures – or maybe we’ll just plain old vent. Most importantly, we will attempt to inoculate ourselves against one of the more insidious side effects of this pandemic – isolation. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, or pour a glass of wine, and Zoom in to support your fellow instructors and work through this challenging time together.

*If Friday afternoons don’t work with your schedule, but you would still like to participate, reach out to Bridget or Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, and they will contemplate adding other days/times in the future.

Fellowship Fridays ZOOM Information (This doc is only accessible with an Augsburg email address.)

Faculty Senate Meeting Today, 3:30 p.m.

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The Faculty Senate will be meeting via Zoom today, Wednesday, July 15th at 3:30pm. All faculty are invited to join to observe the meeting. The Senate simply asks that if you do join, please mute your audio and video upon joining the meeting.

Interested faculty can join the meeting by following the link sent in an all faculty email on Wed, July 8th. Please contact Jacob Walter with any questions.

Keeping Track of Auggies


Somali Translator Needed for Food Distribution Site

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The People’s Library Mutual Aid food and supply distribution site is looking for a Somali translator to assist with visitors on-site. Duties would include providing assistance with taking food/supply orders, explaining the items available, answering questions, and minor conflict resolution.

Currently the distribution site is located on the Minneapolis College of Art and Design campus in Minneapolis and distribution days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, the location will be changing the beginning of August (but will remain in the Whittier neighborhood of Minneapolis).

While there is the possibility of a small stipend for their work, most of it would be on a volunteer basis (and as much time as the person is able to commit).

If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact Lara Crombie at

Mutual Aid Website

Seeking 4th Housemate in South Minneapolis by August 1

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Black Lives Matter. COVID-19 is real. Come join a household of mature and professional eclectic introverts. We like arts, film, world music and food, puzzles, laughing, card/word games, climate change activism, volunteering, thrift shopping, sewing, improv, reading, gardening, biking, & DIY projects. Add your litter-trained, minimal-shedding cat and YOU* and we can’t go wrong. (Ok, the cat part’s optional, but we really do love animals even though allergies are a concern!)

Rent per person: $453.75/month + ¼ utilities (water/trash, electric, gas, internet), strict 1-year lease period from August 1st, 2020-July 31, 2021. Potentially flexible for earlier move-in. Interview, application fee, and deposit required.

Cozy room in 4bd/2ba house has hardwood floors and includes an attached 3-season sunroom with a private entrance. Share a full bathroom with one other housemate. Washer/dryer on-site along with a well-furnished kitchen. Perks include shared front patio, partially fenced yard, and basement storage. Convenient to Powderhorn Park, Seward Co-Op and Sabathani, Midtown Global Market, Hosmer Library, biking trails and buses #5 and #4.

* YOU don’t smoke, do drugs (weed included) or partake in illegal activities. We ask that you only apply if over 21 years old. Also, note that the house has mobility issues (stairs), no A/C, and the three of us cook and eat meat.

YOU are considerate, dependable, tidy, and drama-free. Eager (at least willing) to share in snow shoveling, mowing/yard work, and agreed-upon chores. Are able to participate in monthly housemate meetings and uphold weekday and weekend quiet hours. You are mindful of the COVID-19 threat and responsible about social distancing & mask recommendations. A background check and income verification will be conducted by the property manager before final approval.

Our household values safe space and welcomes all races/religions/gender identities. Please contact by email with questions, and to set up a visit.

Check Out the Listing