Lunches Needed for South Mpls Distribution Site

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Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has continued to distribute food and supplies to neighbors every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday since the murder of George Floyd and uprisings that followed. The distribution is led by staff of color and runs on volunteer support in order for the 200+ families to receive what they need each day. Augsburg alum Grace Corbin has been helping coordinate volunteer recruitment and is wondering if the Augsburg community can step up and help feed volunteers and staff so they can stay nourished for the day!

Sign up for lunch duty with your family, friends, or co-workers! Order from a local restaurant or make something (using covid-19 precautions) to share. No need to be an expert chef!

Morning and afternoon volunteer shifts to help pack and distribute food and supplies are also available.

And don’t forget that staff have Community Service hours to use for opportunities like this!

Sign up here!