New Remote Desktop Options

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Augsburg IT is pleased to announce that an updated Remote Desktop environment (RDP) running a Windows 10 environment with Office 2016 is now available for the campus community. Remote desktop allows Augsburg students, faculty and staff to access network drives, Augsburg-owned software, and certain web resources from off-campus on a Mac, PC or Chromebook. Two versions of remote desktop are available:

*Remote Work – includes Agresso, campus network drives, other administrative applications
*Remote Lab – the same software as on-campus computer labs

Find instructions for setting up remote work and lab:
– Augsburg Faculty/Staff PCs
– Macs
– PCs & Remote
– Chromebooks

The older Windows 7 environment will continue to be available for a period of time. If you encounter any issues in the new remote desktop environments please contact your LFC or the techdesk.