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Called to Place: Community Responsive Education
A virtual conference hosted by Augsburg University
July 12 – 15, 2021
The 2021 Vocation of Lutheran Higher Education Conference (formerly, the Vocation of a Lutheran College Conference) for the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities will convene daily, July 12 – 15, 2021, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Eastern Time, except the session on July 13th, which will meet 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Eastern Time.
The theme of the 2021 conference is “Called to Place: Community Responsive Education.” Participants will consider how local landscapes, neighborhoods, events, and people influence the missions, identities, and institutional vocations of our colleges and universities, along with our individual callings related to antiracism in our particular communities.
For more information on each of the sessions and speakers, please see the conference program.
Registration requires two steps. The first step is registering to receive the two Zoom links that will give you access to the conference. These links are included in the registration form. The second step is to complete daily session registration information below on this form. Both steps are necessary for registration. There is no registration fee for the 2021 conference. Registration deadline is July 2, 2021.
Note: Those who need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event are encouraged to contact University Events at or 612-330-1104. Remember to have the name, date, and time of the event with you when contacting their office. Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.
Contact Janice Dames at for more information about registration.
The Vocation of a Lutheran Higher Education Conference is supported by the Network of ECLA Colleges and Universities.