A Tragic Loss for a Former Augsburg Employee and Request for Help with Funeral Expenses

submitted by guilbeau@augsburg.edu

Good Afternoon,

Yesterday, I received a very sad email from Bonnie Wallace regarding a tragedy that has shattered her life and others. Her granddaughter was murdered. (See her email below).
I have known Bonnie Wallace for decades and know the dedication and enduring contributions she has made to the Augsburg Community. She worked for years at Augsburg establishing and growing the American Indian Student Services and during the time of her service, the first 100 American Indian students graduated from Augsburg.

Dr. Antony Stately is the Chief Executive Officer of NACC and in 2015 was invited to speak at an Augsburg Convocation. He spoke on “Running Into the Storm – Renewal of the Spirit” and on the topic of historic trauma.

Dr. Stately knows Bonnie Wallace has created a GO FUND ME Page to help with funeral expenses to help Bonnie Wallace and their family with funeral expenses for her beloved granddaughter, Nada Fronk.

If you are interesting in supporting this effort please go to (https://www.gofundme.com/f/nada-monique-fronk-memorial-please-help-family).
