Indoor Mask Requirement Lifted; Campus Buildings Remain on Fob Access

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As previously announced, Augsburg’s campus-wide indoor mask requirement ended last weekend. If we experience an outbreak of cases on campus, we may temporarily reinstate the indoor mask policy until case rates subside.

As we transition through the summer, working to get as many people vaccinated as possible, there may still be some situations on campus where masks will be required given the particulars of the situation (e.g., large groups with off-campus participants). In those cases, the mask requirement will be communicated to participants in advance to make sure people come prepared to wear a mask.

Of course, any individual who chooses to continue to wear a mask indoors (or outdoors) on campus may continue to do so. The CDC does recommend that unvaccinated people wear masks, as they remain at risk for contracting COVID-19, including newer, more infectious variants.

At this time, campus buildings remain on fob access only for students, faculty, and staff and temporary signs have been posted as a reminder.
Future building fob access is under review and an update will be shared with any changes. Meanwhile, if you need assistance entering a campus building, contact Augsburg’s Public Safety Department at 612-330-1717.