TODAY American College of Greece Info Open House 11:30-1pm

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American College of Greece (ACG) Exchange Semester program is a great opportunity for Auggies of any major to take a full semester of classes IN ENGLISH, and spend a semester in Greece, immersed in the campus community. Come learn more:

INFORMATION OPEN HOUSE American College of Greece

11:30am – 1:00pm – come anytime that you’re available

Marshall Room (in Christensen Center)

Like Augsburg, ACG is a welcoming campus in a major city, Athens! Students live in campus apartments with other ACG students. Campus services are all in English, and encompass many aspects of student life: library and study spaces, great athletics facilities, class sizes and teaching styles similar to Augsburg.

Auggies can study at ACG in fall or spring semesters – so come and learn more, ask your questions, or just get inspired.

Email us with questions:


American College of Greece Exchange Info Page