Seeing Things Whole Launches Community Practice Cohort

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This fall, The Reell Office of Seeing Things Whole is launching our first Community Practice Cohort to support the professional development of three leaders by advancing their strategic thinking toward action.

Seeing Things Whole is a disciplined process that embraces the organization’s relationships to the larger world, cultivating whole leaders and thriving organizations to positively impact the common good. Working closely with staff and cohort members, participants will receive customized coaching, develop mutually supportive relationships, and learn to apply the Seeing Things Whole framework to real-life problems. Over the course of three months, cohort members will identify and dig into a particular workplace challenge, gaining insights and perspective to see the whole of their situation and formulate an effective path forward.

Participants will:
– Attend three Whole Leader Roundtable sessions throughout fall 2023
– Work with fellow cohort members and staff to articulate and make progress on a leadership challenge
– Present the challenge to a Whole Leader Roundtable and receive focused feedback and insight
– Share progress and provide accountability within the Community of Practice Cohort
– Participate in structured reflection throughout the experience
– Leadership challenges can encompass a wide range of issues, such as how to grow a program that requires many collaborators, how to share power within hierarchical organizational structures, or how to sustain motivation and resilience in a challenging leadership environment.

This opportunity is ideal for any individual looking to develop a deeper, more positive connection between their values and leadership action.

Learn more and share your interest online at –

Contact the Reell Office Program Director, Keri Clifton, with specific questions at 612-330-1525 or

Reell Office of Seeing Things Whole