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Transmigrating Cassettes Vol. 1
Friday, September 15, 5:30 – 8:00 PM
program starts at 6 PM
Soomaal House Gallery
2200 Minnehaha Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Organized as part of the public program for the inaugural 2023-2024 Soomaal House Archive Fellowship.
The public is invited to the concluding presentation by Soomaal House Archive Fellows-in-residence SITAAD (Leyla Degan and Naima Hassan). Over the course of the residency, the fellows have developed the first iteration of their project Transmigrating Cassettes in various settings, including Milan, Amsterdam, New York City, New Jersey, and Minneapolis. In the Twin Cities, the fellows have benefited from a rich program delivered by Soomaal House of Art, Immigration History Research Center Archives (IHRCA), and The Liberal Arts Engagement Hub.
The presentation will delve into the fellows’ sonic-research methodology and their activation of Augustus F. Sherman’s Somali Photographs. The fellows will provide a walk-through of their archival research visits to Ellis Island, New York Public Library, Drew University (GCAH) and their findings. The presentation will conclude with a sonic offering.
The presentation will include light refreshments.
Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday
1 – 5 PM
The Blooming Lotus Flower
August 19 – September 23, 2023