GenEd(it) Group – Next Steps

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A warm welcome to our new and returning Augsburg community members. The GenEd(it) Group is working to finalize a set of proposed revisions to our general education curriculum (the set of requirements all undergraduate students share) this fall.

An overview of planned next steps are:
September: GenEd(it) Group creates draft version(s) of proposed revisions
October: Invite response to draft version(s) from faculty, staff and students
November: GenEd(it) Group finalizes proposed revisions
December: Shared governance begins

Since the start of this initiative in spring 2023, the GenEd(it) Group:
-Examined the rationale for general education revision
-Conducted a comparison of requirements across institutions
-Surveyed the Augsburg community about learning goals
-Convened a well-attended faculty workshop in May

We will be inviting feedback on the draft version(s) of proposed revisions to our general education curriculum next month. Specific details are forthcoming.
We look forward to hearing from you in the coming weeks.

With gratitude,
Stacy Freiheit
General Education Director

GenEd(it) Group Members:
Salma Caamir, Amanda Case, Kristen Chamberlain, Jennie Diaz, George Dierberger, Darcey Engen, Elaine Eschenbacher, Marah Jacobson, James Vela-McConnell, Stacy Freiheit

GenEd(it) Comment Box:

General Education Revision 2023 Community Moodle page (self-enrollment is available):

General Education Revision 2023 Google Drive: