Election Day Is November 7: Where Do I Vote?

submitted by farrisr@augsburg.edu

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7. There are no classes at Augsburg on Election Day and it’s a holiday for faculty and staff in order to make it easier for our community to vote, volunteer, and take part in the democratic process. 

Need to know where to vote? 

— IF YOU LIVE ON CAMPUS, your polling place is the Christensen Center East Commons. If you want to register to vote on Election Day, you will need proof of residence. This can be your student ID. You can also bring a copy of your housing contract plus another form of photo ID. A complete list of options for proof of residence is available on the Secretary of State’s website: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/register-to-vote/register-on-election-day/

— IF YOU DON’T LIVE ON CAMPUS, use the Secretary of State’s polling place finder to figure out where to vote: https://pollfinder.sos.mn.gov/

Find information about who can vote, how to register to vote, and ways to vote in Minnesota and other states on Augsburg’s voter information website.