Augsburg First-Generation College Celebration (Nov. 6 – 9)

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November 8 was selected as the date for the annual National First-Generation College Celebration to honor the anniversary of the signing of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965. The HEA was passed to ensure that everyone has access to higher education, regardless of income. In recognition of First-Generation College Celebration Day, the departments of TRIO Student Support Services, TRIO McNair Scholars, and Multicultural Life will be hosting events that highlight the first-generation college experience during the week of November 6. These events are geared towards students but all are welcome to attend! Stop by any of these events to pick up a “Proud to Be First Gen” sticker and/or a “Proud to Support First-Generation Auggies” office placard.

Monday, Nov. 6: First-Generation Week Kick-Off
10:40 – 11:00am, Hoversten Chapel
Guest Speaker: Firi Dawid, Campus Life

Wednesday, Nov. 8: Augsburg First-Generation Celebration
11:00am – 2:00pm, Gage Center (Lindell Library, 2nd floor)
Photobooth, treats, “Proud to Be First Gen” stickers

Thursday, Nov. 9: Film Screening & Discussion
5:30 – 7:00pm, SCI 123
A Walk in my Shoes: First Generation College Students
What’s it like to be the first one in your family to go to college? This inspirational documentary delves into the lives of eight first-generation college students, five preservice teachers and three successful educators, who chose a profession dedicated to a concept they are all committed to: changing lives.

Tuesday, Nov. 14: Dr. Terrance Kwame-Ross: what it means to be the “first”
11:30 – 11:50am, Hoversten Chapel

For questions, please contact Lara Crombie (