Enemy of the People Opening This Friday

submitted by gebbengn@augsburg.edu

Come see Enemy of the People! (A musical adaptation)

Performance dates are Nov 1-2 and 7-9 at 7PM, Nov 10 at 3PM
Location: Tjornhom-Nelson Theater
Students are just $5!! General Public is $12 and other Augsburg Community is $10!

An Enemy of the People examines how a community responds when the local doctor threatens to expose that the town’s water source they rely on for tourism is contaminated. It raises questions of how far a community will go to protect their town’s secret so they can keep tourism dollars coming and circumvent a path to financial ruin. Scenes and songs will happen in close proximity to the audience, compelling them to feel as if they are part of the story. Immersed in the play’s dilemma, audiences will find themselves part of the climactic ending of the play when they actually vote to shape the ending of the story.