EDTalk with Tamarah Gehlen

submitted by maherk@augsburg.edu

Just prior to the next Faculty Meeting on January 23rd, Tamarah Gehlen will be speaking on “Trauma & Learning Styles in the Classroom”. This talk will feature information to help attendees understand the impact of chronic stress and traumatic experiences on learning and cognition. Attendees will learn simple ways to implement trauma-informed practices into their classrooms and teaching styles in order to enhance connection and learning for the students that they serve.

Wednesday, January 23rd | EDTalk with Tamarah Gehlen | 3:20-3:35 pm, HC 151

Zoom: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/933677248 Meeting ID 933-677-248

For more on the Pre-Faculty meeting EDTalks and other CTL Events, check our webpage regularly.