Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
- Augsburg Citizen Educations presents: Restorative Practice Professional Development Opportunity
- Visit the Writing Lab today
- Paid Fellowship for Trip to Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
- Great summer job: Learn to do research with your faculty
- Faculty: How URGO Can Support Your Research
- TODAY – Last day to apply for Phillips Scholarship
- Deliberative Dialogue TOMORROW
- RSVP Now for Speaking of Sabbatical with Christina Erickson
- Apply for Faculty Grants
- Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning Awards
General Announcements
Event Announcements
- White Fragility: Unpacking Privilege, Dr. Robin DiAngelo
- Summer in Slovenia & Italy – 2 week Psychology & Education course
- Join Augsburg Admissions for a Documentary Screening on Jan. 31
- Echo Newspaper Meeting
- Morning Chapel: Pastor Babette Chatman
- Wednesday Night Communion
- Norwegian Film Screening: Wednesday, January 30 at 6 pm
- Learn about opportunities with Kipsu
- Spring Season Theater Auditions: Tonight
- Two Weeks in Puerto Rico – Summer course 2019
- Visit Soup for You Cafe 4th Anniversary
- Assessment Day is February 26th
Keeping Track of Auggies
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