
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Submit your research to the Augsburg Honors Review

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Take your research to the next level and submit to the Augsburg Honors Review! All undergraduate students are welcome to publish illuminating, insightful, and contemporary research in an internationally competitive interdisciplinary journal.

All research published in the Augsburg Honors Review will also be published in the online version on Idun.

Submit your research paper to by February 1!

Augsburg Honors Review on Idun

EDTalk with Tamarah Gehlen

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Plan on attending the next EDTalk before Wednesday’s Faculty Meeting. “Trauma & Learning Styles in the Classroom”: This talk will feature information to help attendees understand the impact of chronic stress and traumatic experiences on learning and cognition. Attendees will learn simple ways to implement trauma-informed practices into their classrooms and teaching styles in order to enhance connection and learning for the students that they serve.

Zoom: Meeting ID 933-677-248

Wednesday, January 23rd | EDTalk with Tamarah Gehlen | 3:20-3:35 pm, HC 151

Details on the Pre-Faculty Meeting EDTalks, as well as other CTL programming, are available on the CTL website.


Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions

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In this workshop on February 6th, Lyz Wendland, Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Design, will discuss her research that implements online pre-discussions for greater in-class participation. Come learn strategies, layouts, and rubrics that foster active class discussions.

Wednesday, February 6th | Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions with Lyz Wendland | 3:30-4:30 pm, OGC 100

RSVP for Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions

Faculty Grant Applications and Award Nominations

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Go to to read the calls for proposals and to apply for the “Scholarship Grant”, the “Integrated Course Design Grant”, and/or the “Provost’s Internationalization Travel Grant”. All applications are due by Noon on Friday, February 15th.

Also available are nomination forms for the “Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning” Awards. Information and forms can be found at Nominations are due on Wednesday, February 20th.

Applications and Calls for Proposals

Are you a sophomore? Apply to be a Phillips Scholar?

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Apply to be a Phillips Scholar by January 23!

The Phillips Scholars Program recognizes and rewards private college students who strive to make life better for those with unmet needs. Applicants are challenged to think creatively and become community-service leaders by developing a project to meet an unmet need in Minnesota communities. Phillips Scholars receive scholarships during their junior and senior years, and a stipend to complete a project during the summer between junior and senior year.

This preliminary application is used to select two finalists from Augsburg University who will then develop a full proposal to be submitted to the Minnesota Private College Council for the scholarship. This will include a 5-7 page project proposal, official transcript, and 3 letters of recommendation. Staff members of the Sabo Center will help finalist complete their applications.

You must be a sophomore during the 2018-2019 school year to apply.

Read more about the Phillips Scholarship program here:

Preliminary application (see link, below): Wednesday, January 23, 2019, 11:59 p.m.

Full applications will be due February 8, 2019.

Phillips Scholar Preliminary Application Due January 23

Seeking sample mid-course feedback faculty examples

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The University Course Survey working group is looking for examples of mid-course feedback forms that faculty are using and find useful. The group is looking for instruments that work well for you to obtain feedback from students during the term that you use to adjust course direction. This is formative evaluation to help identify potential changes that could improve the experience for students. The working group will be collecting examples for publishing on the CTL website as a resource to all faculty. Use the form link below to submit.

Submit your sample instrument

Alternative Spring Break 2019: Building Together

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Looking for something meaningful to do this spring break? Consider signing up for Alternative Spring Break!

During the week of March 16th-23rd, Augsburg students will be traveling to Birmingham, Alabama to serve with Habitat for Humanity. You could be one of these! We’ll visit places like the Civil Rights Institute and learn from African-American activism both past and present. This trip is a great opportunity for students of different backgrounds to come together, learn, and build houses and community!

Registration is open now! Forms can be found online at and in the Campus Ministry Office.

Spots fill up fast, so register soon! $100 is due at registration to secure your spot.

The cost of the trip is $250 which includes lodging, transportation, and most meals.
Registration forms can be found online at and in the Campus Ministry Office.

Spots fill up fast, so register soon! $100 is due at registration to secure your spot.

Want to learn more? Have questions? Email Sydney Saygbe at

Like us on Facebook “Augsburg Alternative Spring Break” + Follow us on Twitter @AuggieSpringBrk

Sponsored by Campus Ministry and the Christensen Center for Vocation

General Announcements

Partial Government Shutdown: Impact on Sponsored Programs

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As you are aware, a partial government shutdown has been in place since December 26, 2018. Some of Augsburg’s sponsored programs are impacted by the shutdown. We ask that you please closely monitor all spending on NSF grants. Please see the linked page for more information.

Share your Augsburg Story – Join the Staff Story Circle

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The Music Department invites all staff to join them in creating a new Music-Theater piece about, for, and with people who have been or are currently a part of the Augsburg University Community (

To gather material, the music department is hosting Story Circles, facilitated by theater professionals Leah Cooper of Wonderlust Productions and Aaron Gabriel of Interact Theater. A Story Circle is an opportunity to gather in groups to tell stories, write down thoughts, and share experiences about Augsburg. If you don’t feel like sharing, you can just listen. Nobody’s story or experiences will be used in the play directly (like a documentary); they’ll be blended together into a fictional story, protecting the privacy of those who share.

They are hosting a staff story circle on January 17th from 1-2:30pm in the Augsburg Room (you are not required to stay the entire time if you are unable to). Please attend if you are interested and able. RSVP to Sonja Thompson at

-Staff Senate

Staff Appreciation Awards – 1 week left to nominate

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STEP 1: Email with the name and title of the individual you wish to nominate
STEP 2: Staff Senate will confirm receipt of your message and send you an online nomination form
STEP 3: Secure at least TWO additional letters of recommendation from a current staff, faculty, or student (Note: the nomination form will also ask for your own personal recommendation.)
STEP 4: Submit your completed nomination form with two or more letters of recommendation attached as either PDF or Microsoft Word documents

ABOUT THE AWARDS: The Staff Appreciation Program is intended to recognize exceptional staff members who exemplify Augsburg’s mission statement through their actions. Staff Senate will award five Outstanding Staff awards and one Newcomer award in a presentation on March 7th.

Recipients of the Outstanding Staff Award consistently go above and beyond the call of duty by providing exceptional service to others and/or making innovative and outstanding contributions to enhance the objectives of their department or the Augsburg community.

The Newcomer Award recognizes a staff person who has made a significant impact on campus life in a short amount time. Staff who have been at Augsburg for 2 years or less are eligible to receive this award.

DEADLINE: Nominations for the Outstanding Staff and Newcomer Awards will be accepted from January 9th through January 24th. Nominees will be notified on or before February 1.

Frequently Asked Questions

Free Pizza + Service Hours at the MN Urban Debate League

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Make a Difference. Educate Through Debate.
Earn Service Hours Using Your Skills as a Volunteer Debate Judge

The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, needs a few excellent folks to judge middle school debates this spring.

No experience? No problem. We train judges at the beginning of every tournament.
What Judges Do:
• Watch rounds and evaluate teams on logic, argumentation, and public speaking.
• Provide written feedback and assign points to each debater.
• Choose the winner of each debate!

Opportunities to Volunteer:

Volunteers will judge two rounds of debate from 3:30 PM – 7:30 PM.

• January 10th – Central High School
• January 16th – Central High School
• January 17th – Barton Open School
• January 29th – North HS
• February 7th – Roosevelt HS
• February 13th – Washington Technology MS
• February 21st – Washburn HS
• February 28th – North HS
• March 5th – Edison HS
• March 7th – University of Minnesota
• March 20th – University of Minnesota
• March 21st – University of Minnesota

Stay tuned for our Spanish Debate & Somali Debate dates!

Visit us: Foss Office 18 at Augsburg University |
(612) 330-1730

Volunteer With Us

Sign Petition to end ‘Coyote Whacking’

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Coyotes in WY and other western states have no protection at all … everything goes. We also have anecdotal evidence that hunters in Montana enjoy chasing and running over coyotes with their recreational vehicles.

‘Yote Whackin’ includes coyote killing contests with snowmobiles.

Please sign this petition to demand that the state of Wyoming immediately provide protection for predators and prohibit atrocious behavior such as coyote/predator killing contests, and chasing and running over coyotes (or any wild animal) with any vehicle, including aircrafts, ATVs, ORVs, cars and snowmobiles.

Sign the Petition and Share on Facebook

NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Scholarship for STEM students: applications due on Friday

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Students can now apply for the 2018-19 NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Scholarship Program at Augsburg University. This scholarship program supports the advancement of academically focused undergraduates seeking professional careers in the natural sciences, especially space physics & engineering, mathematics, and science/mathematics education.

This competitive program awards 6 scholarships for spring semester, 2019, in the following areas:
1. Emerging Scholarship (Sophomore-Junior). Four scholarships of $1000 to encourage students whose course of study shows progress in meeting the criteria of this scholarship program.
2. Enhanced Scholarship (Sophomore-Senior). Two scholarships of $2000 to support students who have shown considerable progress in meeting the criteria of this scholarship program.

Strong candidates for the grant will be students who…
-are a sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science, pre-engineering, or mathematics/science education;
-can demonstrate strong academic performance and leadership within their major area; and
-show an interest in contributing to NASA’s mission.
Please note that students from traditionally underrepresented groups in science and mathematics fields are especially encouraged to apply. No applicant shall be denied consideration based on race, creed, color, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, or ability.

Deadline for application: Friday, January 18, 2019.

More information about the scholarship, along with links to the application packets, can be found on the link below. If you need this information in alternative form, please contact STEM programs at

NASA Space Grant Scholarship

Discounted semester Metro Passes for sale in bookstore

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Discounted Metro Passes are available through the bookstore – sold at $115.00 (discounted from $165.00). Semester passes are good for both light rail lines, all buses, and the Northstar rail to Anoka.

Be sure to register your pass at If your pass is lost or stolen, the replacement costs only $5.00.

Event Announcements

Join Augsburg Admissions for a Documentary Screening on Jan. 31

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You are warmly invited to attend an on-campus showing of the documentary titled, “The Test & the Art of Thinking.” The film addresses crucial questions about the SAT/ACT college entrance exams, including the value of the test score and what the test actually measures.

In 2018, Augsburg voted in favor of piloting a test-optional admission policy. The admissions department is organizing this thought-provoking opportunity as the institution continues to better understand the impact this policy has on applicants to the university.

When: Thursday, January 31st, 3:45 p.m.
Where: Hagfors 150A
Popcorn and beverages provided. Optional questions, comments, and discussion following the film.

Please RSVP here:

Watch the preview here!

Medical Report: Health in Honduras Caravan Refugee Camps

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Hear first-hand accounts from just-returned medical team of nurses, doctors, and medical students in five Tijuana camps on the border in Mexico. This team provided care to 200 refugees and brought medical supplies to members of the Honduran caravan staying in temporary shelters until their asylum cases are called.

Friday, January 18, 2019
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Malcolm Moos Health Sciences Tower, 2nd floor, 2-520
515 Delaware St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455

Information, conversation and discussion. How will we impact the future?

Sponsored by:
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MEDICAL SCHOOL NEUROLOGY DEPARTMENT and Minnesota Caravan Solidarity / Minnesota en Solidaridad con la Caravana

Info: FB @MNCaravanSolidarity and Dr. Miguel Fiol,, (612) 382-4452 or Sherilyn Young (651) 224-7308

Minnesota Caravan Solidarity FB event

I Will Show Up, Will You?

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Students, please join the Faculty, Staff, and Administration in the Day of Action on Monday. This is a chance for the entire Augsburg community to work together toward the common goals of equity and inclusion. Everyone is welcome. Please click the link below for a detailed schedule of the day’s activities. Plan to meet at the Chapel at 8:30 am, then head to the Oren Gateway Center for breakout sessions, and return to the Chapel in time for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation with Dr. Terrance Kwame-Ross at 1:00 pm. We hope to see you all there!

Day of Action Schedule

Teddy Bear Toss at Women’s Hockey Game – Saturday

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The PA Program and Women’s Hockey are teaming up for the second-annual teddy bear toss. Bring a clean, new stuffed animal to throw out onto the ice during intermission when the Auggies play at home January 19th at 7:00pm. Stuffed animals should be wrapped or in a bag to protect them during toss. The stuffed animals will be donated to Children’s Minnesota Minneapolis Hospital.

Study abroad in Africa? Learn more TODAY

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Interested in study abroad in Africa? Meet with Augsburg CGEE professor, Dr. Lamont Slater TODAY, January 17, to learn about Augsburg’s Southern Africa Study Center program!

Meet & Greet with Augsburg in Namibia
January 17
1-3 pm
Nelson Room (next to Einstein’s)

“Nation-Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind” is a semester program that takes students across two countries (Namibia & South Africa) to learn about the impact of gender, race, culture, and identity on democratic processes, human rights issues, and social and economic advancement today, from the point of view of Southern Africans.

Auggies who study abroad on this program can take a variety of courses in Poli Sci, History, Gender Studies, Religion, and also have an internship option. All Auggies recieve an automatic $1,500 travel grant to offset the cost of this program!

Learn more and meet one of the CGEE Namibia professors on Thursday!

Learn more about the Southern Africa semester program

Spring Season Theater Auditions – Jan. 22nd & 23rd

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This semester, you have the opportunity to be in one of two of our amazing productions! Please join us for auditions next week:

(located in the Foss Atrium)

Tuesday, Jan. 22:
6:00-7:45 Pluma and The Tempest workshop audition
8:15-10:00 Ghost Sonata workshop audition

Wednesday, Jan. 23:
6:00-7:45 Ghost Sonata workshop audition
8:15-10:00 Pluma and The Tempest workshop audition

You do not need to prepare any material for workshop auditions!
You may attend on one night from 6-10pm or choose to audition for one of the projects on the first night and audition for the other project on the next night.

**Pluma Individual Auditions**
Thursday, Jan. 24 – 8:15-10:00 pm
Friday, Jan. 25 – 6:00-8:00 pm
*Please prepare a 1-minute movement or dance piece, song, monologue, poem, play an instrument, or any other performative talent or ability you want to share.*

**All are welcome and encouraged to audition for both shows!**

More info on Pluma and The Tempest:
A dystopian play in the Latin American tradition of magical realism poetically explores themes of violence, trauma, homelessness and resisting oppression. Despite being adrift like a feather in a storm, Pluma attempts to preserve their hope and survive.
**You must attend one workshop and one individual session in order to auditions**

More info on Ghost Sonata:
A fun, playful, and immersive production of Strindberg’s The Ghost Sonata. A chance to perform with Sod House Theater and Black Label Movement Dance company.
**Only need to attend one workshop in order to audition**

If you have any questions about logistics or fitting the times into your schedule, please email

Keeping Track of Auggies

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