
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Sign up for Augsburg Alerts/Keep up with weather-related changes to classes and operations

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Decisions to cancel classes are made by 6 a.m. for daytime classes and 2 p.m. for evening classes. The University uses the Augsburg Emergency Alerts system to communicate timely information on campus emergencies and class and facility changes due to severe weather. The Augsburg Emergency Alert sends subscribers a text, email, and phone call (subscribers determine which and how many alert types they wish). Only people signed up to these alerts receive them.

After the alert is sent out, information and updates about weather-related class cancellations and closures are posted on the “News” section of the Department of Public Safety website. This information is then shared with television and radio stations, and lastly on Augsburg’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Sign up for Augsburg Alerts

TODAY: Minneapolis/Rochester classes resume at or after 12 p.m.; normal operations resume at 10 a.m.

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Augsburg University has canceled classes that start before 12 p.m. Thursday, January 31 because of frigid weather. Students are encouraged to consult the course Moodle site for additional information and alternative coursework from their instructors. Classes that start at 12 p.m. or later will be held on their normal schedules.

Normal campus operations resume at 10 a.m. Thursday. Only essential services employees may need to report before then on Thursday morning. Employees with questions should contact their manager to verify if they should report to work.

See link for additional info

Teaching and Learning

Extended Deadline: URGO Phase 1 Application due February 5

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Are you looking for a paid summer research opportunity here on campus? URGO applications for 2019 summer research are now available on the URGO website at All fields of study welcome!

We have multiple summer opportunities available for students.

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. Students receive support throughout the research process from their faculty mentor, a Speaker Series, and weekly seminars with fellow researchers. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. The program runs from May 16th – July 31st.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,000 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

Phase 1 of the applications are due February 5th, so start talking with your faculty members to learn about what research is going on in your department!

Faculty: How URGO Can Support Your Research

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URGO’s summer research program is designed to both enhance undergraduate student learning and support faculty research here on campus. Faculty are the driving force behind the research program, and we want it to be as beneficial to you as possible.

Some of you may have already been approached by students who would like to do summer research through URGO. We encourage you to think about how these students might support your own research agenda. While some advanced students might have a project in mind, we have found that students benefit the most from working within a faculty member’s area of expertise.

While summer is the perfect time to push research projects ahead, we know all too well how quickly the time goes. We have research grants for 400, 200, and 100 student research hours that are designed to provide you with the optimal amount of student research support needed for your project. The 100-hour research assistantship, for example, is a particularly good fit if you have needs for data entry, transcription, or literature review.

To learn more about URGO summer research and working with a student, visit the “on-campus research” page on the URGO website:

Phase 1 of summer research applications are due February 5th, with complete proposals due February 19th. If you have any questions about being a research mentor, please contact Dixie Shafer at x1447 or

Paid Fellowship for Trip to Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

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The MINNE Holocaust Fellows program annually selects college students to participate in a fully-paid, one-day trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of the Holocaust. Fellows tour the permanent exhibits and featured exhibits, as well as meet with a museum representative. Awards come through the MINNE Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, who has chosen Augsburg to be one of the select few universities to participate in the program. Multiple Augsburg students were selected last year for the trip.

The 2019 trip will take place on April 16th. Applications are due on February 28th and can be found at If you would like to learn more about the program or would like advising on the application, please contact the URGO office at or 612-330-1446.

– U.S. Citizen
– Full-time student
– Sophomore or junior planning to graduate no earlier than Spring 2020
– 3.0 GPA or higher

RSVP for Workshop with Lyz Wendland

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Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions. In this workshop, Lyz Wendland, Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Design, will discuss her research that implements online pre-discussions for greater in-class participation. Come learn strategies, layouts, and rubrics that foster active class discussions.

Participants will be entered into a drawing for a $5 A’viands gift card!


Wednesday, February 6th | Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions with Lyz Wendland | 3:30-4:30 pm, OGC 100

RSVP for Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions

Only Two More Weeks to Submit Your Grant Applications

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Faculty, the deadline for applications is noon on Friday, February 15th for the Scholarship Grant, the Integrated Course Design Grant, and the Provost’s Internationalization Travel Grant. Now is the time to apply! Calls for proposals, as well as the application forms, can be found on the link below.

Grant Descriptions and Application Forms

Call for Teaching and Learning Award Nominations

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The Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Teaching and Learning invite your nominations for the annual Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning Awards. Augsburg annually recognizes individuals or groups that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment through awards for teaching, scholarship, or service. All faculty or full-time staff who have been employed at the university for at least three years are eligible for the awards. Further information and the nomination form can be found in the link below.

Teaching and Learning Awards

Amazing Resource for Busy Faculty

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It’s not a Teaching Tip Tuesday, but this is too good to wait. Please take a moment to check out the K. Patricia Cross Academy. This free resource is designed for busy faculty. The site includes short teaching tip videos and downloadable resources that are applicable in a variety of courses. Take five minutes and see what you can learn!

K. Patricia Cross Academy

Speaking of Sabbatical with Christina Erickson Has Been Rescheduled for February 20

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The talk, “Spanked, Whupped and Paddled: Our Complex Relationship with Corporal Punishment” that was supposed to have taken place on January 30 will now happen Wednesday, February 20. You can still sign up to attend! Lunch will be provided.

Wednesday, February 20th | Speaking of Sabbatical with Christina Erickson | 12:30-1:40 pm, Marshall Room

RSVP for Speaking of Sabbatical with Christina Erickson

General Announcements

Vocation Seminar/Book Study at Augsburg – Space is Limited

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Professor Mark Tranvik will facilitate a four-session group seminar/book study on vocation. Using Parker Palmer’s book, Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation, seminar participants will explore how they can use their gifts and talents in service to others, learn about the history of vocation at Augsburg, and hear from others who will share their vocational journeys. Our co-sponsors, The Christensen Center for Vocation, The Center for Teaching and Learning and Human Resources are delighted to be able to cover the cost of lunch and the book for this series.

This series will take place on February 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2019 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the East Commons, Christensen Center.

Space is limited – register soon!

Vocation Seminar Registration

Last Call: Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for January

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information can be found at

Event Announcements

Free Bagels and Coffee for Your Opinions

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The Center for Global Education and Exchange is hosting a focus group to help us develop new brochures for our study centers! We want to hear your opinions on study abroad/away brochure design and information. What would be helpful to know? What styles are most eye-catching?

This event is open to all students- even if you haven’t studied abroad/away, you are welcome to attend. We will have bagels and coffee for attendees.

Join us Monday, February 4th, 10-11a.m., in the Marshall Room.

Please RSVP by Friday, February 1st:

Spring All Hands Meeting: Next Week

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The spring 2019 All Hands meeting is next Thursday, Feb. 7 at 11:30 a.m. in Hoversten Chapel.

All members of the campus community are invited to attend. Access to connect to the meeting from off-site locations will be available. For the livestream link or to add a session to your calendar, go to the All Hands page on Inside Augsburg.

All Hands page

Join Augsburg Admissions for a Documentary Screening TODAY at 3:45 pm

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You are warmly invited to attend an on-campus showing of the documentary titled, “The Test & the Art of Thinking.” The film addresses crucial questions about the SAT/ACT college entrance exams, including the value of the test score and what the test actually measures.

In 2018, Augsburg voted in favor of piloting a test-optional admission policy. The admissions department is organizing this thought-provoking opportunity as the institution continues to better understand the impact this policy has on applicants to the university.

When: Thursday, January 31st, 3:45 p.m.
Where: Hagfors 150A
Popcorn and beverages provided. Optional questions, comments, and discussion following the film.

Please RSVP here:

Watch the preview here!

Multicultural Dinner postponed until February 7

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Food from 8 different West Bank restaurants will be served at the annual Multicultural Dinner at the Brian Coyle Community Center, 420-15th Avenue South next Thursday (February 7th) from 5-7pm. Cultural dance, spoken word and music will also be part of this great event. No charge. All are welcome!
Sponsored by many neighborhood partners including Augsburg University.
For more information or to volunteer at this event, please contact Mary Laurel True,

Auditions Tomorrow – It’s not too late to sign up

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This semester, you have the opportunity to be in one of two of our amazing productions! Please join us for auditions next week:

(located in the Foss Atrium)

6:00-7:00pm – Ghost Sonata
7:15-9:00pm – Pluma & The Tempest

**Audition for one or stay for both! All students welcome!**

GHOST SONATA: A collaborate movement piece! Those invited to participate will have the opportunity to work with Sod House Theater Company and Black Label Movement.
Rehearsals: Feb 11-Mar 12
Performances: Mar 13-14

PLUMA & THE TEMPEST: A dystopian play in the Latin American tradition of magical realism that poetically explores themes of violence, trauma, homelessness and resisting oppression.
Rehearsals: Feb 4-Apr 4
Performances: Apr 5-14

Keeping Track of Auggies

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