Proofreading quiz: Can you spot the errors?

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Count the spelling, grammar, and editorial style mistakes in the following sentence:

Its not easy to right good and communicate a idea clearly–but you don’t need a Ph-D in english & language to write affectively.

How many did you find? (See answer below.)

The marketing department created a tool to help staff and faculty who regularly post, publish, and print written communication. The Augsburg University and Luther Seminary Editorial Style Guide is a collection of best practices to keep communication clear and consistent. Because Augsburg and Luther marketing and communication staff work together through a shared services agreement, this style guide is designed for use at both institutions.

Bookmark the marketing webpage to refer to the style guide when you write on behalf of the university.

Answer key: 10 errors
It’s not easy to write well and to communicate an idea clearly, but you don’t need a Ph.D. in English and language to write effectively.