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Would you like to encourage your students to become more confident writers? Invite a Writing Lab tutor to visit your classroom!
Writing Lab tutors can make a quick visit (5 minutes) to your class to talk about why a student might want to visit the Writing Lab, describe what happens in a tutoring session, and share information about our hours and location.
Tutors can also show your students what a Writing Lab visit looks like through a “mock session” demonstration (15 minutes). If two tutors are available during the time that your class meets, they can present this “mock session” to your class. Alternatively, a tutor can play the role of “tutor” while you, the instructor, play the role of “tutee.” This session can also be adapted in other ways to fit the context and needs of your class.
If you are interested in either a brief visit or “mock session,” please email me (Sarah Groeneveld Kenney) at I will connect you with a tutor who can speak with you more about the most effective way to encourage your students to seek feedback on their writing.