May Sarton Poem – After a Winter’s Silence

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Seeing all the plants pushing through the earth, the flowers opening, buds on the trees, birds
singing, and the color green painting the leaves everywhere… me hope and delight. I thought of a favorite poem to share with you. BE WELL. Nancy Guilbeault – CWC

After a Winter’s Silence

Along the terrace wall

Snowdrops have pushed through

hard ice, making a pool.

Delicate stems now show

White bells as though

The force, the thrust to flower

Were nothing at all.

Who gives them the power?

After a winter’s silence

I feel the shock of spring.

My breath warms like the sun,

Melts ice, bursts into song,

So when that inner one

Gives life back the power

To rise up and push through,

There’s nothing to it.

We simply have to do it,

As snowdrops know

When snowdrops flower.

by May Sarton