
Event Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Workplace 2020: An Intersection of Diversity and Politics

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When: May 21, 2020 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CST
Level: Intermediate
Track: Social Responsibility
Presenters: Malii Carolyn, EngageBetween | Tatyana Fertelmeyster, Connecting Differences, LLC
Cost: Free

Sharpen your skills at addressing diversity-related issues in a climate saturated by the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign. As Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders, get in front of an unprecedented political atmosphere that filters through our workplaces and creates heightened sensitivity to identity-related trigger points.

This webinar will explore nuanced perspectives and complexities of addressing diversity-related “hot buttons” and consider ways for turning them into teachable moments.

Learning Outcomes
-Identify practical and relevant steps to navigate the intersection between diversity and politics in the workplace
-Apply concepts of intent and impact within the 2020 U.S. presidential race and other real-world contexts
-Clarify the role of DEI practitioners in engaging identity politics

TOMORROW, Inclusive Leadership in a Virtual World – A Forum Special Presentation

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When: May 7, 2020 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CST
Presenter: Stephen Frost, Frost Included

The coronavirus pandemic is a tragedy, but the potential silver lining is that we are living through a time of forced innovation. The leadership behaviors we exhibit will impact the performance of ourselves, our teams, our organizations like never before.

Frost Included CEO Stephen Frost will explore inclusive leadership in this context, learn five key skills essential to survive and thrive in this climate, and leave refreshed and inspired to do the work that will make the most difference.

Learning Outcomes
– Refresh inclusive leadership core skills tailored to the current climate
– Explore what forced innovation means to you, your team and your organization
– Take away 5 key skills you can immediately deploy

The Forum Podcast – Q&A on White Fragility and Microagressions In the Workplace

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In this special bonus episode of The Forum Podcast, Rebecca Slaby (AMAZEworks) answers questions from listeners that attended our popular webinar White Fragility and Microagressions In the Workplace: When Good People Behave Badly sponsored by AON.

Check out the show notes and listen at

Register for Globally Focused Online Courses this Summer

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We are living through a very uncertain time, but The Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) remains committed to connecting Auggies to the world through the channels that are still available to us. This summer, you can take online courses in Spanish, Political Science, Religion, History, or Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies with Augsburg CGEE’s instructors in Mexico or Central America.

To access these courses, simply look in Records and Registration under Summer 2020 term and the departments listed below. There is a huge variety, including some specialized courses for upper-level learners! Register for the class as usual.

Courses are offered in both Summer Time 1 (T1) & Time 2 (T2) unless otherwise noted.

WST 481 Queer History in Latin America (T2)

HIS 156: The Crisis in Nicaragua: U.S. Destabilization or a Democratic Movement? (T2)
HIS 388: Queer History in Latin America (T2)

POL 310: Citizen Participation in a Globalized Economy (T1)

RLN 336: Latin American Liberation Theologies (T1)

SPA 111: Beginning Spanish I (T1)
SPA 112: Beginning Spanish II (T2)
SPA 218: Spanish for Healthcare Providers
SPA 220: Business Spanish
SPA 224: Spanish for Ministry
SPA 225/325: Spanish for Heritage Speakers I and II
SPA 316: Conversations in Cultural Context
SPA 334: Contemporary Mexican Literature
SPA 335: Contemporary Latin American Women: Texts and Voices
SPA 337: Mexican Civilizations and Cultures

See summer online courses in Records & Registration

General Announcements

Plan Ahead for Study Abroad on Spring Break and Summer 2021

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Check out the short-term study abroad programs coming up for Spring Break 2021 and Summer 2021. Now is a great time to plan ahead! ALL programs fulfill your AUGSBURG EXPERIENCE requirement, as well as other classes:

Roots to Rap: Islam in America – spring break
HIS 195 (Humanities)

Faith, Vocation, and Social Change – spring break
RLN 409 (Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 (Keystone for some majors)

Dakota and Ojibwe Spaces of Environmental Activism & Sovereignty – Spring Time 2
AIS 305 (elective) or ANT 295 (elective)

Community, Arts, and Culture in Cuba – Summer
THR 295 (Fine Arts)

Science and Religion in Germany – Summer
REL 205 (Search for Meaning II) and/or CHM 102 (Lab Science) or SCI 490 (Keystone for Science majors)

Sustainability and Food Justice in Italy & the US – Summer
HIS 170 (Humanities) or HIS 440 (elective)

Music Therapy in China – Summer
MUS 374 or 474: Music Therapy Practicum (1 credit)
MUS 511: Music Therapy Practicum (0 credits), or
MUS 582: Transcultural Music Therapy (4 credits), or
MUS 511 and MUS 582 (total 4 credits)

Get more information about these short term programs

Using Your Tuition Benefit to Study Leadership

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Interested in using the employee tuition benefit to enhance your professional growth? Your Augsburg employee tuition benefit can be used to pursue a graduate credential in leadership. Check out our website is at: for information about the MA in Leadership, the Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies (GCLS), as well as the dual MBA/MAL degree.

We are still taking applications for summer and fall terms and are available to talk about the various options. Let us know if you would like to connect!

Application information can be found at:

Alan Tuchtenhagen, MAL Director

Deanna Davis, MAL Program Coordinator

Wendy Assal, Managing Director of Graduate Admissions

Leadership Studies at Augsburg

Campus Box Closing/Forwarding

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Two weeks after the spring semester ends (May 15th) we will be closing all student campus boxes. Before fall semester starts we will be reassigning them to all students living on campus, and commuter students can then request to have a campus box if they have a need of one.

If you would like your mail forwarded or would like to keep your mailbox open for the summer please either fill out this survey ( or send us an email with any relevant information. (There is also an option to be reassigned your current box for the next semester if you will be returning in the fall)

We only forward 1st Class USPS mail and packages. Other packages (UPS, FedEx, Amazon, etc), magazines, non-profit mail and standard mail will not be forwarded. We can only forward to US addresses. The forwarding period is 2 months from when the request is submitted after which any additional mail we receive will be returned to sender.

We ask that you contact the people/business sending you mail and correcting it to your permanent address. Also enrolling in online/electronic billing is both environmentally friendly and will save you time (and sometimes money).

Follow Student Financial Services on Facebook

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You can get the latest updates from important financial aid information to upcoming deadlines & reminders. Please follow us at Spread the word to your family and friends!

If you have any questions regarding your financial aid, please give us a call at 612-330-1046 or email

Schedule a Virtual Meeting

Faculty and staff, share a celebratory video for the Class of 2020

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Faculty and staff,

We’d like to encourage you or your department to record and share a video congratulating the Class of 2020 for finishing the academic year strong and to celebrate their accomplishments. Please use the hashtag #GoAuggies and tag Augsburg so we share these via Augsburg’s social media channels and feature them on Inside Augsburg as we approach commencement day.

Videos must be captioned for accessibility purposes.

Augsburg tags:
Facebook – Augsburg University
Twitter – @AugsburgU
Instagram – @AugsburgUniversity

See examples

Event Announcements

Keeping Track of Auggies

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