
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Thank You to All who Attended the “3 Days in May”

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We would like thank everyone who participated in the online sessions for 2020’s “3 Days in May”. Please remember to fill out evaluation forms for workshops that you attended at:

We have been adding resources from the workshops to the folder linked below. Note that this is only viewable with an Augsburg email address.

Continue to watch A-mail as well as the CTL page,, for future learning opportunities.

2020 “3 Days in May” Resources

General Announcements

May is Mental Health Month – Resources Available

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The Center for Wellness & Counseling website has many links for resources for current students as well as recent graduates including: Coping with COVID, Off-Campus Counseling options and Off-Campus Support Group options. All can be found on our website. Taking care of your mental health during these uncertain times is important and we know it may be hard to figure out where to turn — our website is a good place to do just that. Stay safe and be well.

Student Emergency Fund Reopened

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The student emergency fund is re-opened. Students who did not previously submit a request to the emergency fund may now do so. If you have any questions, please contact the Helpline at Here is a link to the Google form.

Update to Records and Registration Coming Soon

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In the coming days, Augnet Records and Registration will have a new look and feel. The goal with this redesign is to allow students more convenient access to important information about their academic records; students will still be able to use all the same services as usual.

Our goal is to transition to the new version of Records and Registration by Tuesday, May 19. A short video to preview this revision is available on YouTube at .

Register for Globally Focused Online Courses this Summer

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We are living through a very uncertain time, but The Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) remains committed to connecting Auggies to the world through the channels that are still available to us. This summer, you can take online courses in Spanish, Political Science, Religion, History, or Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies with Augsburg CGEE’s instructors in Mexico or Central America.

To access these courses, simply look in Records and Registration under Summer 2020 term and the departments listed below. There is a huge variety, including some specialized courses for upper-level learners! Register for the class as usual.

Courses are offered in both Summer Time 1 (T1) & Time 2 (T2) unless otherwise noted.

WST 481 Queer History in Latin America (T2)

HIS 156: The Crisis in Nicaragua: U.S. Destabilization or a Democratic Movement? (T2)
HIS 388: Queer History in Latin America (T2)

POL 310: Citizen Participation in a Globalized Economy (T1)

RLN 336: Latin American Liberation Theologies (T1)

SPA 111: Beginning Spanish I (T1)
SPA 112: Beginning Spanish II (T2)
SPA 218: Spanish for Healthcare Providers
SPA 220: Business Spanish
SPA 224: Spanish for Ministry
SPA 225/325: Spanish for Heritage Speakers I and II
SPA 316: Conversations in Cultural Context
SPA 334: Contemporary Mexican Literature
SPA 335: Contemporary Latin American Women: Texts and Voices
SPA 337: Mexican Civilizations and Cultures

See summer online courses in Records & Registration

Virtual Advising for Study Abroad and Away | Plan Ahead for Next Year

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The Center for Global Education and Experience (Study Abroad & Away) is operating remotely and we have appointments available via Zoom. Our staff and peer advisors are here to support you as you plan ahead for the future!

Semester and short-term programs in the US and internationally are available for fall semester and beyond. Short-term courses for spring break and summer 2021 have destinations in the following locations: Guatemala, New York City, Minnesota Tribal Lands, Cuba, Germany, and Italy.

Our advisors are here to help every Auggie – whether you’re just getting started with Study Abroad & Away, or you already have a program chosen. Schedule an appointment here:

You can also send us an email:, or stop by our website, below.

Learn more about Study Abroad and Away

Student Employment Report – 46% have lost a job

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The Strommen Center conducted a student employment survey of day undergraduate students from April 29 through May 11, 2020. The purpose of the survey was to understand how COVID-19 has impacted student employment and experiential learning opportunities for the spring semester and the summer. 151 students completed the survey.

Of the students that responded:
1) 46% lost a summer job, internship, or other volunteer experience
2) 61% are now seeking a job, internship, or other opportunity this summer
3) Loss of income was selected as a stressor by the most students followed by lack of quiet and secluded space to do work and participate in Zoom meetings and classes
4) Lack of quiet space and increased responsibilities at home were stressors selected by the most students that might prevent them from securing a job, internship, or other opportunity this summer
5) Mental and emotional wellbeing programs were selected by many students when asked what programs and services would be most helpful this summer.

Complete results here starting on slide 7:

How can you help?

Encourage students to:
1) Be active and flexible in their job and internship search. Positions are available but they might not be a student’s first choice. Visit to search for jobs.
2) Continue to learn and develop skills even if you are not able to get a job or internship over the summer. Learn how to code, write short stories, or join a professional network.
3) Focus on self-care. Loss of a job or internship is stressful because of the loss of income and also because of the loss of sense of purpose and progress towards career and academic goals. Visit the Center for Wellness and Counseling’s site for resources.

The Strommen Center is in operation all summer and is offering virtual career coaching appointments, workshops, virtual career fairs, and online resources. Students can visit Handshake to make appointments and register for events.

Auggie Student Employment Report

Event Announcements

Virtual Town Hall for Faculty and Staff TODAY

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A virtual town hall for Augsburg faculty and staff will take place today from 10-11 a.m. Panelists will include President Paul Pribbenow, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Karen Kaivola, Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer Leif Anderson, and Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Rebecca John. A recording will be posted after the event.

Find the link to register for the webinar (and recordings of past town halls) on the Virtual Town Halls page on the Outbreak Planning site (link below).

Virtual Town Hall Meetings

Keeping Track of Auggies

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Need Summer Work? Become an AmeriCorps Emergency Response Worker From June-August

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In an effort to do all that we can for our state during this time of crisis, we have partnered with ServeMinnesota to help launch the Minnesota AmeriCorps Emergency Response Initiative. This new initiative is designed to help communities better respond to new needs brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.


As an Emergency Response Member, you will help organizations respond to significant needs in their community related to COVID-19. Service could include a combination of several response tasks such as emergency food distribution, distance learning, support to help older adults cope with social isolation and more. View the position description to learn more.

Emergency Response Members will serve one term of service in a full-time capacity (35 hours per week) beginning June 8 and ending service on August 15.

Remote and in-person positions are available throughout Minnesota.


Members are paid a stipend of $650 every two weeks during their term of service. This stipend is taxed as income, and members complete a W-4.

Those who complete their service will earn a $1,289 education award which can be used for education-related expenses at qualifying institutions, including to pay back student loans.

Federal student loans may be put in forbearance during your service period.

Health insurance and child care is provided.


Have questions? Email us at View our website: