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CGEE and the Spanish department invite all students to a virtual “Meet and Greet” with our Spanish language instructors from Mexico. Since we cannot meet in person for class this summer, we are happy to bring the instructors to you virtually! Get to know your instructors in this engaging Zoom session between Cuernavaca and Minneapolis. The meet and greet will be facilitated by Dr. Sarah Degner Riveros. All levels and abilities of Spanish language are encouraged to join! We will have translations from English to Spanish where needed.
Registering for CGEE’s online experiential learning courses this summer will engage students with local communities from our global locations. Learn Spanish language from native speakers, and learn more about Augsburg’s long-time community partners in Cuernavaca!
We hope you will join us on Wednesday, May 6th at 3:00 p.m. for this meet and greet on Zoom.