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Looking for a dynamic and engaging course this spring? Want to hear from people all over the world to deepen your knowledge of international perspectives? If yes, we encourage you to register for an online course taught by CGEE staff this spring!
These courses are taught by Augsburg CGEE faculty from Mexico, Central America, and Southern Africa and will also bring in a variety of guest speakers and unique voices from around the globe using our community connections in those countries. Several courses also fulfill LAF graduation requirements.
Courses for spring 2021 semester include:
COM 329-X: Intercultural Communication (Fulfills Augsburg Experience Requirement)
CCS 495: Cross-cultural Perspectives: Feminisms in the Americas
HIS 156: The Crisis in Nicaragua: U.S. Destabilization or a Democratic Movement? (Fulfills LAF Humanities)
HIS 195/387: Apartheid, Mandela, and Post-Apartheid in Southern Africa (Fulfills LAF Humanities)
HIS 195/387: Mexican History, Cultures and Cosmovision (Fulfills LAF Humanities)
POL 353: Political and Social Change in Namibia (fulfills LAF Social Sciences)
RLN 100-C: Religion, Vocation and the Search for Meaning I (fulfills Search for Meaning I)
RLN 409-B: Virtual Immersion: Topics: Faith, Vocation, & Social Change (fulfills Augsburg experience, Search for Meaning II OR Humanities LAF)
RLN 480-A: Virtual Immersion: Vocation and the Christian Faith (fulfills Augsburg Experience, and keystone)
SPA 112-F: Beginning Spanish II
SPA 212-A: Intermediate Spanish II
All of these courses will be available in records and registration, per your usual registration (
List of Global Courses, Descriptions, and Schedules