Trans+ Visibility Week

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Transgender Visibility Week is hard on us all, especially our LGBTQIA+ kin.  2020 has proved to be no different.  LGBTQIA+ people live and navigate pandemics their entire lives – the notion of existence is a resilient act for many LGBTQIA+ communities. 

As we seek to move on from 2020, the heartache and lived realities for queer and trans+ people will continue on.  “2020 has been the most violent year on record (since official tracking began in 2013) with at least 34 transgender or gender non-conforming people fatally shot or killed by other violent means, the vast majority of which were Black and Latinx transgender women. (All too often these stories go unreported — or misreported.) Statistically 91% of the 22 deaths in the U.S. last year were Black trans women, 81% were under the age of 30” (Rae Senarighi, 20).
This year, and always – we ask that fellow LGBTQIA+ communities, but especially, cisgender and straight communities learn to celebrate trans+ and gender non-conforming communities while we are alive!  Specifically, ask yourself – what am I doing to dismantle systems of transphobia and white supremacy? 
While we cant provide those answers – nor should it be the responsibility of trans+ communities – we can provide resources to take those steps – to put words into action! 

LGBTQIA+ Student Services will also be hosting the following event this week:
The Realities & Revolution of Trans+ Athletes
Wed, Nov 18th 7 – 8:30 PM 
Via Zoom – see campus calendar for details

Lastly, this year LGBTQIA+ Student Services is hosting a Give to the Max Fundraiser – Queer Student Resilience Campaign.  These funds will go directly back into the pockets of LGBTQIA+ students at Augsburg, in the form of scholarships and emergency funds. 

Please take a moment to watch our video, listen to our students, and take action.

Queer Student Resilience Campaign