In Case You Missed It: Neuromyths EDTalk

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Earlier this week, Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright gave her EDTalk on Neuromyths. The recording and slides are linked below (these can only be viewed when logged in through Augsburg).

Do You Believe in Neuromyths? The term “neuromyth” refers to a belief about
teaching and learning that is based on a misunderstanding of how the brain works and is not true. Belief in neuromyths is prevalent in the general public (including
undergraduate students), but what about educators? Do we know better?

Inspired by the “Dead Ideas in Teaching and Learning” podcast from The Columbia
University Center for Teaching and Learning (based on an original paper by and
including an episode featuring Augsburg’s Diane Pike), Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright will present a brief overview of neuromyths common among educators at higher education institutions.

“Dead Ideas in Teaching and Learning” podcast

Past CTL Talks:

Neuromyths EDTalk Resources