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The Center for Wellness & Counseling is closed for the summer, but there are a number of mental health resources still available to Augsburg students. CWC wishes everyone a summer of rest and renewal, but we encourage you to reach out for support if and when you need it!
1) 24/7 phone support is available all summer long through ProtoCall (just call CWC at 612-330-1707 and choose Option 1)
2) Free, confidential short-term online counseling is available at Walk In Counseling Center (
3) Sexual assault support is available 24/7 through the Aurora Center at the U of M (612-626-9111) (
4) Self-help resources are available on the CWC website (coping with depression, coping with anxiety, healing from racial trauma, and more) (
5) Student Support Guide (on the CWC and Student Affairs website) has resources to help you connect on and off-campus for academic needs, mental health needs, physical health needs, and basic living needs. (