Black American Young Adults Needed for a Paid Psychology Interview Study (Earn $25)

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My name is Asma Noor. I am a student researcher at Augsburg University, and I am currently seeking Black individuals who are comfortable sharing their attitudes on help-seeking and mental health to participate in a psychology research study.

I am interested in hearing the personal experiences from your community. The study involves a 60-minute one-on-one audio Zoom or in-person (if comfortable) interview. This project has been approved by Augsburg University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB-#2022-20-03).

You are eligible to participate if you are between
1. 18-29 years old,
2. identify as Black American,
3. have lived in Minnesota for at least the past two years.

This study is confidential and completely voluntary. You may choose to withdraw from the study at any time.

Participants will receive a $25 e-gift card for participating in this study. If you are interested in participating, please complete this brief screening form:

Feel free to contact me directly at or my research advisor, Dr. Alex Ajayi, at Please consider forwarding this to other individuals who may meet the criteria for participation. Thank you for your consideration!