Center for Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) Hosts Largest APSI in Augsburg’s History

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The Center for Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) is very excited to be hosting both virtual and in-person week-long workshops for Advanced Placement (AP) teachers this summer. These Advanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI) help teachers learn about the AP curriculum. The APSI at has taken many forms and has been run at Augsburg for more than 25 years!

We currently have more than 370 teachers participating in 18 different VIRTUAL workshops this week.

The week of June 27-30, we are excited to welcome 95 teachers to campus in 12 different AP subjects. While this is a smaller group than we had last time we were on campus (2019), it is exciting to be back in place with the teachers on campus! These 95 teachers will be coming from 21 different states and countries with the furthest people travelling from Kuwait and Nigeria.

We are also preparing for the second VIRTUAL APSI the week of July 11-15. This APSI currently has more than 300 teachers registered in 22 different workshops. We anticipate the size of this APSI to grow as we enter into July.

In total over the three APSIs, we will be welcoming close to 800 people to Augsburg this summer (both virtually and in-person). They are currently “visiting” us from 28 different countries and 47 states/territories. If you would like to learn more about the APSI, we invite you to check out our website or email us at

Augsburg University APSI