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The Center for Adult and Continuing Education is very excited to be welcoming Advanced Placement (AP) teachers back to campus during the week of June 27 – June 30. These 95 teachers will be participating in 12 different AP workshops. While this is a smaller group than we last hosted back in 2019, they are geographically diverse. They are coming from 18 different states/territories and 3 different countries.
These teachers will be on campus for the week learning about their individual AP subject. All of their classes will be taking place in Hagfors, so if you see someone who might be looking for the “APSI” (Advanced Placement Summer Institute), please feel free to direct them to Hagfors.
There are a number of campus partners who have helped make this a success in planning. We would like to thank everyone who has assisted us up to this point, and we hope you know how much we appreciate you!
If you want to learn more about the APSI at Augsburg, we invite you to explore our website. You can also click on the registration links on the right side of the screen to see our different event pages. If you have questions about the APSI, we invite you to email us at